Chapter 22

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"No fucks to give."

"Obviously." I sang as I pulled the two of them out the door.

We walked down the street talking about all the things we could do today. Tanning was an obvious answer, the party was also another idea. And if it was boring, we'd figure out something to do in town. Whatever that was.

It was early this morning, 9 am to be exact, as we walked down the road, lined with colorful beach houses. It was pure bliss as I saw the hill of sand we had to walk over to get to the beach.

The feeling of the fine crystals under my feet made a smile appear on my face. This is right where I'm supposed to be. From sundown to sunup.

We set our chairs down further to the left before throwing up an umbrella. The sweltering heat sunk into my skin, I was glad I already had sunscreen on because I would probably feel like I'm burning if I hadn't.

"Glasses?" Hannah checked her mental list for the last time.

"Yep." We both responded, putting our sunglasses on in unison before adjusting our chairs.

We sat quietly for a few minutes before Kayla asked the last of her questions. "So Hannah, what is your goal today?"

"Like I said yesterday, sunburn my face so Finn can't tell when I'm blushing."

We both laughed at her response. "I knew you would go through with it." I said, throwing her a look.

She stuck her tongue out at me before Kayla asked another question. "And what about you Em?"

"You know me Kayla, I'm here to get a nice tan. Though, these straps are going to be a nightmare." I groaned.

"A nude beach would be good for you." she mentioned on the brink of a laugh.

"It would, but I just don't like the idea of looking up once and seeing a 60 year old's nutsack." I rolled my eyes completely serious. I would be traumatized.

The two of them erupted in laughter at my genuine response. After quieting down, the only thing I did was lay there with the sun beating down on me. I heard the guys come down a while later but they knew not to bother me, unless it came to him.

But he didn't bother me either-to my surprise.

He seems to be surprising me a lot.

After what felt like another ten minutes, I was in need of cooling off. "Kayla..."

"Water?" she asked as if she could read my mind.

"Mhm." I hummed. "Hannah?"

"Yes. Please. I'm dying." Hannah whined as I sat up.

I took my glasses off and threw them in the shade before we walked down to the water. I was quite amused by the sight we passed on the way though.

You see, the guys happen to be the ones you see with the backwards hats, backpacks on, maybe one of them has a game of spikeball, but they had skimboards, throwing a football-doing whatever teenage guys do at the beach.

This also made them the prime target for any girls there. I mean, the scene was actually noteworthy. There were about six or seven girls crowded around them all, holding conversation. I wasn't really concerned with anything as I heard Cal and JJ talking the most.

Cal and JJ were like two peas in a pod. They were a package. But they were also the kings of hookup culture. Like, Jackson's bad, but those two-I only have one word. Dangerous.

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