chapter 1

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Tick tock.....tick tock i looked at the watch in the diner which read 5:45 pm i sighed for what seems  like a million times

"Am bored to death".  I add dramatically

15 more minutes before the daughter of my client shows up so we can discuss the upcoming project we supposed to start together

I still don't  understand why Mr Richard from R&D inc still insists on sending his daughter to this  meetings, while she accomplished nothing than seduce all those clients to her bed.

I  looked at the materials on the table, which genuinely consisted of my profolio,  computer and coffee and resisted the strong urge to re arrange them for a millionth time within an hour that I am here  waiting for this client.

I sip the coffee as i turn to watch the scenes from the window of the diner,  my favourite diner as it was close to work.

The day was particularly a gloomy one considering that it had just rained.

As i was watching the scenes, a particular man caught my eyes. Tall but lean, with long dark hair and very beautiful features, that i almost confused for a girl.

But what caught my eyes in particular was his eyes, they had a gloominess just like the weather.

Probably had poured its own water for far too long, and looked lifeless holding a story of its own and yet still beautiful and captivating .

He was biting his fingers which i think was a nervous habit or anxiety. His whole body screamed distress like he was hanging by thin blue line  but forcing himself to survive.

Then just like that my eyes were covered with small petite hands, making me frown immediately. 

I turn my head only to find Precious.

"how is she even here", i thought am always aware of my surroundings yet i didn't know she was here already.

I took a quick glance to the clock 6:00 pm.

"Oh 15 minutes have already passed"

I look through the window again and the man had disappeared.

  I couldn't help the rise of the feeling of empty ness that elope me then i became frustrated because i was getting frustrated over something  or rather someone i barely knew.

That is definitely not how i would react normally.

"Am i going crazy". i thought.

Anyway it's time i snap out it , taking deep breath i force my mind to go back inside the diner. Only to find Precious sitting on the other chair that wasn't occupied and God, wasn't she sulking .

Let me blame the person who gives her the name Precious, she might think she is almighty or something

I sighed. "sorry about that,  i thought i saw someone i knew".

I lied through my teeth and gave a fake smile to add a measure.

she took the coffee i was drinking, which i bet was already cold looked me in the eyes then smiled.

"well aren't you lucky, you'er handsome". She said, batting her eyelashes so much to an extend I think she might be sick.

Here we go, with all  attempts to seduce another man back to her bed. But to bad for her I had type and well easy women aren't any close to that list.

The conversation carried on from there mostly her talking, and well either me trying to always bring the topic back to the project at hand or drifting back to the sad but entrancing man i saw.

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