chapter 6

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I was in my car driving towards Daniel's apartment and the passenger seat was occupied by Angel who singing along to some music that was playing on a radio station.

We had planned to meet together for breakfast this morning before heading to the gym but Daniel was not picking up his phone, so i picked up Angel from her place and we're now heading to his.

When we arrived i insert the password as i guessing he might still be asleep because of the party he had to attend yesterday , i head directly to his bedroom and what a sight . Daniel was all cuddled up with his assistant who was almost lying on top of him while he had an arm securely around him.

Briefly glancing at Angel who was watching them with a frown while i was grinning. I whistled.

His assistant was the first to open his eyes, then bolted up and almost fell to the floor upon seeing us. Causing Daniel to open his eyes and i was met with a glare. But this didn't dampen my mood nor my bright smile.

I will go now, i have to go back home he excused himself

I think you should freshen up first Daniel insisted. While holding his hand and his face had turned soft.

The assistant took a quick glance at us then gently removed his hand from Daniel , took his phone from the night stand.

No that's ok ...i really have to go he says finally.

Then literally sprints out the apartment. Glacing back at Daniel i smiled

Soooooooo i asked

Get out of my bedroom he replied still glaring.

I will go prepare the breakfast Angel finally spoke , turned and walked out of the room.

Chuckling i turn and follow Angy. As i help her in serving , Daniel sits in an opposite chair from me ,while Angel take the chair besides him.

So what went down with that cute assistant of yours the one who you wouldn't  stop rapping about after the first ,second or with everyday encounter

i ask curiously

Nothing happened he replied with a blank look.

Yeah right, and am the prince of the British empire my voice dripping with sarcasm.

Can we please have this breakfast with the appropriate table manners, he already says nothing happened Angy says with a frown.

I almost forget that she had a thing for Daniel for years and years but coward enough to admit and Daniel dense enough to notice.

If i belived everything i hear, i would have failed in my carrier by now, i chuckle, besides we have had plenty sleepovers and he is yet to cuddle me like his life depends on it  nor holding my hand I thought hand holding is deal breaker for him

i accused playfully

Look i called him to help me dress up for the ball party, and when i came back he was already sleeping that's all he says

So you cuddled him because he was already sleeping i ask

Drop it Chriss he already says nothing happened and he is not gay so instead of being ridiculous stupid right now why not just shut it, Angle argued with so much hate in her tone

But if I wasn't aware of that hate is directed towards her unrequited love I would have taken an offense 

We are in 2024 sweetie love is no longer associated with gender of a person, we can love whoever we choose to love  by this I think my boy Danny had a thing for his cute PA I mocked her as I explain common knowledge to a toddler.

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