chapter 19

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It was like a dream having a man who i love besides me and who i know loves with a strong passion, well and a little extended family that i seem to have created for myself that consisted of Hugo,Chris and dare to say Mr vegas who was growing quite fond on me.

We were now back to our daily activities after experiencing a short but quite very exciting vacation, for some unknown force this vacation just seem to solidify our relationship and not only me and my husband but even to those whom i now identify as family.

Walking with a smile on my face i was headed to my office while daniel had gone for a meeting that was taking place outside the office, but my smile is immediately replaced with a deep frown upon seeing who was standing just outside my office.

Can i help you

Yes actually, we need to talk Angel says with a passive tone

Is this official wise or personal wise

Does it matter

Giving her a sharp look i side step as i head towards the door but she is quick and with a punishing grasp holds me by my hand.

I would be careful if i were you, you could regret not listening to me now she says with a sardonic sneer

Is that a threat i hear i return blankly

Instead of answering with a verbal response she takes one step backwards, straightens herself before finally answering me with a more gentler tone that am sure she has never used on me much to my suprise.

Look this is important so i think you should hear me out.

Weighing my options, it suddenly doesn't feel that bad listening to whatever she wants to say , i mean if i deem it stupid i can just opt to leave besides i don't think there is much she can do and on the other hand she did get into trouble last time beacuse of something she didn't actually do although am almost sure Hugo would have beg to differ plus it doesn't help that am a tad bit curious on what she wants to say.Looking at her warily i finally reach my decision.

Am listening

I can't exactly discuss with you right here she says as she glances repeatedly behind me as if afraid someone might emerge..............follow me.

And with that she begins to lead the way and i have to say when she hinted on finding a place it didn't cross me she actually meant getting out of the building and driving to a fair distance away from office and it was finally getting me spooked. Arriving at what i would say an expensive restaurant with a grimace on my face but angel on the other hand just gets out of the car and immediately heads to the direction of the restaurant making me thankfully she isn't sending me to a secluded area to kill me i thought with a shudder.

Stepping inside i see a familiar face and i want to immediately bolt out of the restaurant while cursing myself for ever thinking of coming here but before i could actively work on my thoughts Angel as if had read my thoughts holds me by the arm and gives me a look that potrays a warning of some thought and aganist my better judgement i shrug her hands off and sit on the chair opposite to brian with my guard up and soon Angel joins us taking the chair besides Brian.

Let's get this over and done with i say with an annoyed and unfriendly tone and face.

I think we should order something first , then we can talk as we eat Brian says so much care that it actually throws me of

I think you should srart talking or am leaving i return with a hard voice.

Don't be difficult he scolds

Glaring i make a move to stand and actually put my threat into action but mostly i am just mad that he thinks he has a say in what i can or can't do but before i could really stand Angel speaks.

Would you still be so adamant to leave if it's Daniel's success on the line

Looking at her for some sought of giveaway but her face is hard,blank and lips placed in thin line so begrudgingly i take the seat as i observe them one with an hard and blank face and the other with annoyance and maybe dissapointment and a little bit hurt but really i don't care so instead i focus on what they want to say.

What are you talking about

I knew you would eventually come along, i guess you know the big new project that Daniel is supposed to undertake that would most ultimately determine the success of his company she begins with a smile that promises nothing nice.

What about it

Well it just so happens that i have secured all the designs needed for him to make that happen and i plan on selling them to his main competitor she said taking a dramatic pause.........well it just so happens that the due date is near and poor Daniel won't get enough time to get new ideas together and his work is not exactly patent for as of right now if you catch the drift she continues in a poor childlike mimic voice.

I don't believe you, how would you have gotten them and more importantly why are you telling me all of this i demand with a frown.

How they are in possession isn't important but why am telling you this on the other hand she trails

We want you to divorce him and get back with me then he gets his success back brian interupts impatiently

I couldn't help it i laughed those long humourless laughs before looking at them with shock then disbelief which all too soon turned to anger.

Is this what you spend your time doing now scheming against people......anyway it really doesn't matter because i don't plan to take part of this ........whatever this is and most importantly i don't plan to divorce my husband for any reason much less this i conclude with a harsh tone so unlike me and direct the last bit of my sentence more to Brian with a sharp look.

Are you ready to risk his future and success Angel asks with a frown and judgement

Am ready to fight for him and his success that includes finding whatever evidence i can aganist you and making sure you don't win this i counter seriously .......and i have to say i myself am impressed with how calm i sound beside the actually anger i feel brewing in me.

Are you naive or you think i would come up with this plan and lay it out for you without covering my tracks you could only know it's me but never prove it and while you are at it Daniel looses all that he has worked hard for and it would all be your fault are you really ready for that she asks challengingly

Am sure am not ready to loose my husband especially not because of a deranged and misplaced friend he seem to really have and with that said i stand up ready to leave

If you really love that man as much as you say you do don't you think you should not stand between his happiness Brian says in hushed but scolding manner.

I think you should follow your own advice

Breath a word of this to Daniel and he will loose it before you guys even think to retaliate and as for you am giving you 3 days at best or I'll make the desicion for you.

Don't hold your breath sweetheart, this stupidness is done

And with that and without much of a second look i turn and walk directly out of the restaurant and decide to blindly choose a direction to walk as i try to calm myself down to my much dismay it doesn't work and figuring that deep inside of me i plan to keep this to myself before talking to daniel i decide the only other person i can call is indeed my friend so sending a quick text to my husband that am out carrying out an erand i call Hugo who picks up on the 4th ring and sensing something wrong i ask him to come pick me up before hanging up and switching on my live location and finally let myself dwell on a lot of unpleasant thoughts.

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