chapter 7

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It has been a month now and things have been going about more smoothly, my design was accepted and now my company is among the best three companies who have great designs.

But only the winner among this companies is the one who will acquire the project from Mr vegas , who had a set some conditions that he was observing before declaring the winner.

That's why i was now seated on the chair in Rowan's office opposite to him discussing on what we are to do. While he was browsing the Internet from his computer and collecting as much information on Mr Vegas as he can.

The conditions that he will use are still unknown, but from the intel that i have acquired is that one of his condition is that he needs a married man i say

What kind of condition is that Rowan asks

Well apparently he believes married men are more responsible hence his project will be under someone he deems responsible and mature i reply

Responsible my foot doesn't he know those said married man are cheaters and untrustworthy creature he argue with a rolled eyes

What if you pretend to be engaged to someone, that should be able to solve your problem he says rather excitedly.

No, that won't work i reply immediately
Because of three good reasons
1. Among the three companies one of us is an old married man who has a family and kids of his own,so me being engaged won't mean anything.

2. There is no one am dating right now it'll be hard to find someone i can engage immediately

3. I don't want our business relationship to begin with deception, it just doesn't sit well with me.

Sighing he turns his attention back to his computer and keeps on browsing, while i place both of my hands on his desk and support my head with them as i try to come up with a different approach.

Ooh....oooh...listen to this, according to an interview Mr Vegas once had, it seems like he once had a son who was gay and he was against it because of  his religious and cultural beliefs and as a result his son ended up commiting suicide he says

He says and i quote this is the only thing i regret in my life Rowan adds

That's tragic i reply frowning but i don't know how that helps me exactly.

Oook hear me out ,he exhales then continues almost animatedly what if you pretend to be engaged .

I already told you it wouldn't work i answer

No, but what if you got engaged to a man instead he asks unblinkingly

I am not gay Rowan i reply puzzled

Yes..yes ...i get that but ,he makes a dramatic pause then continues

if you do get engaged to a man  then there is a big chance Mr Vegas would have a soft spot for you considering his past. Plus it's not like it's real engagement. Who knows you might end up having a chance to win after all.

Let me summarize this, you want me to engage a man  by pretending to be gay so that i can get a chance with Mr Vegas because of his past i ask unbelievably

That's what I said he replies

Ok let's say i agree to that, how come no one knows of my engagement i ask

Because you had to keep it private, the industry you work in doesn't support such life style and your company is still growing, plus their is no much hate on gays in this country but they are still aganist marriage he replies immediately.

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