chapter 12

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I arrive at my house and immediately when i step in am hit with a very sweet aroma following it to the kitchen i see Rowan cooking dinner. Approaching him i hug him from behind while resting my face at the crook of his neck.

That smells nice i murmur as i run my nose along his neck.

Laughing he tries to move his neck away from me it tickles he comments was your day.

Same old, things are still busy because of this project and i spent a lot of time with was yours

Great, i went grocery shoping earlier and bought you your banana milkshake.

Smiling i step backwards as he is done cooking. Turning he gasps as he holds my face gently making me wonder why he is shocked but enjoying the care either way.

What happened to your face he asks with a frown.

How did i get so lucky to have such a caring and sweet husband i wonder.

I had a boxing match with chriss earlier, it's just a split lip nothing much i say with a smile.

Pulling me by my hands he heads towards the bathroom as he complains on why am even fighting in the first place with a frown on his face while am busy staring at our hands fondly because i could do this for hours.

Pulling out the first aid kit from the cabinet he places it on the cabinet. Catching him by suprise i lift him up making him automatically circle his legs on my waist with a gasps while i place him on the counter. Spreading his legs i move between them causing him to blush. Opening the first aid kit he applies little medicine on my split lip causing it to sting like a bitch.

Next time you can't say it's nothing much, you getting hurt can never be nothing much he says with a pout.

Placing both of my palms gently on his face i stare at his lips hungrily then lower one of my hand and pull him into a kiss. He gives me entrance as soon as my lips touches his and it gets heated very fast. Removing my lips from his only to kiss his jaw before sucking his neck causing him to release a low breathlessly moan. He starts unbuttoning my shirt as i suck his neck.

Taking a single step backwards i discard my shirt only to find that he already has discarded his. Taking one more step towards him i kiss him again, everytime that i am forced to release him makes it even more addicting like he is slowly becoming my drug and i don't need rehab.

Ding ding i hear the doorbell ring as i focus on sucking his earlobe.

We should go check who that is he says but stumbles over his words.

Ignore them

I continue to kiss him along his jaw before focusing on his lips once again.

Ding ding the door bell rings continously making me want to break something, why does everyone interrupts us only when things are going well. I groan in annoyance before pulling backwards as i even my breath.

Stay here i will be back soon.

Throwing on my shirt i head towards the door but am hit with shock and confusion when i see who exactly is standing on the other side of the door.
My mom and my young brother are standing outside my house and that is by no means good news. Mom is looking at me with a frown on her face ,she has always being a sophisticated woman while my young brother is staring at me blankly.

Mom i ask still in a shock

Rolling her eyes she pushes her way inside followed by her son leaving me to close the door behind them. I find them seated at the living room

Not to be rude or anything but why are you guys here i ask still confused

Is that a anyway to speak to your mother she asks sharply while staring at me with disapproval.

Taking a deep breath i keep staring at her hoping she will get on with her reason sooner than later.

Their is an urgent meeting that is to be held at your father's company taking a dramatic pause she continues they want to dismiss your brother as a managing director and inorder to prevent that from happening i need all of your remaining shares to be transferred to your brother.

My mom has always been a straight forward woman so i was expecting that she will say what brought her here sooner because it's certainly not because she misses me but i was still not prepared for this, glancing at my brother in disbelief who seem to be sitting unfased.

I can't do that, that is all i have left from my dad and the only connection i have left with this family i tell her seriously

You ungrateful brat, what makes you think you have the right to any of those shares i am the one who adopted you when you had nothing and gave you everything, if it wasn't for my husband would you have had enough capital to start that lousy company of yours she sneers

I can just vote in his favour i don't see why i have to give him all of my shares too i reply while trying to ignore whatever she said.

No one wants you in the company anymore just give the shares to Raphael it's rightful his to begin with she says as she shrugs me off like am a disobedient kid she can't wait to get rid of.

That's not the right way to speak to your child i hear Rowan saying angrily.......if you want him to understand you, you must speak in a way that you can be understood he adds.

And who is he my mom asks completely ignoring him.

Gritting my teeth hard while my fists are curled up on my sides i look at mom dead in the eyes and answer.

My husband

What she says with her voice laced with shock before looking between us.

So what your gay now Raphael seethes

I don't want any gay as a son so i suggest you let him go if you still want to be part of this family

Rowan was already beside me by now so i grap his hands and interlock his fingers with mine.

If by any chance you are asking me to choose i am choosing him over you anytime

Am expecting the shares to be transferred before tomorrow morning

You can see yourselves out

Standing they stare at our interlocked hands with disgust before leaving. I immediately crouch down, my family have a tendency of leaving me drained only this time Rowan hugs me tightly as he rocks me back and forth slowly while whispering soft and encouraging words to me causing me to drop my first set of tears. And maybe he doesn't know it now but this means more than he could know.

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