chapter 9

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Waking up at foreign environment with a headache is  almost as bad as waking up dead.  Well I never been dead what you get a point

I try to sit but that action made my head spin and became nauseous  I almost fainted

Damnit where am i? I thought may be in some hotel with a chick a pick from the club but

Glancing backwards i see chris as a fucking Chriss lewis  lying with his hand draped on his chest,

trying my best to recall anything that might have happened yesterday night but it's all a blur.

As gently as i can i remove myself in bed  and my heart almost jumps out of my chest upon noticing the marks that seem to cover half of my body from the huge mirror beside the bed. Jesus son of Mary and Joseph was he attacking me.

Glancing around i can't seem to find my clothes so standing up i feel a sharp pain on my backside, which i try to ignore as much as i can. sneaking out  as quietly as i can i find my clothes in his living room dressing as quickly as i could i bolt out of the house. And walk the walk of shame

Taking a taxi i head directly to my place ,take a shower and dressing up while still trying to figure out what exactly got me in this situation. Now that i have freshen up and have food in my stomach am getting few flashbacks like me grinding on him,then kissing him as he drives groaning i pull my hair hard just how drunk was i, i thought miserable.

What was i even thinking, i have never been interested in guys before apart of a tin crush on Rowan in highschool and to top it all the first guy i sleep with happens to be Chriss how am i going to look at him again after i let him manhandle me that

The memories of me high pitched moan to him, asking him to fuck me faster  and harder or crying desperately that I am about to cum made me cringe
I am really going to commit suicide, I can't take this embarrassment

If i remember correctly i barely drunk that much and yet I remember feeling very horny ,i sighed.
Couldn't It just be some girl I picked and  have my way
Did I really have to let a man fuck my ass and treat me like a bitch just as Chriss did

Maybe I should just kill him before killing myself

I could hear someone knocking who would it be i wondered. I really  really am in a terrible mood so I can't entertain no guest. Groaning i move towards the door opening only to reveal Chriss fucking lewis and i wish i can slam the door  to his stupid face but i stop myself.

We need to talk he says seriously

About what? i don't think their is anything to talk about i reply aggressively

Can i at least come in he asks hesitantly

I really wish to shout No but

Stepping aside i open the door wider. He enters and head straight to the couch near the television. Closing the door i approach him. The air seemed to be filled with a very awkward tension.

Look we were both drunk and made a stupid mistake while at it , i demand we forget it ever happened i tell him.

He doesn't answer anything instead he stares at me intently making it even more awkward for me as the pain is still very sharp on my backside.

He was so big my subconscious chip in I had to tell my head to shut the fuck up before I bang it in the table

Am not gay i say with a grimace

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