chapter 10

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For once i could see red dusted upon his cheeks that made me smile even wider.

When we arrived and we were about to walk in then i saw Brian standing outside the building which makes me stop in my steps, just seeing him brings back the pain and disappointment that i thought i had healed from,

Daniel turned shortly to ask why i had stopped but  I ignoring him as  i walk towards Brian only to have him following behind me.

What are you doing here i ask with a frown.

Who is he? Daniel asks beside me.

Nobody  important i tell him  sharply while still looking at Brian

Ex husband Brian corrects immediately

I can see Daniel look from Brian to me with a confused expression on his face

Am his current husband Daniel replies while moving closer to me.

Can i please speak to him alone i ask daniel pleadingly

He just stares at me and after few minutes turns and leaves making me almost followed him, I don't what him to be sad and a thought of him misunderstanding or upset with me  is scaring, I wonder what he thinks but forcing my self to stay i look at Brian again.

What are you doing here i ask angrily

Thanks God you get a ride of that nutcase

your the nutcase and that my husband have respect I scold him

So you really got married he replies angrily

That is none of your business i reply menacingly

It is if you cheated on me he says accusingly

What... i ask puzzled

Oh come on, you can drop the act it doesn't make sense that we divorced and yet it took you only three months to get re married unless you had this ongoing secret relationship for longer, that's why you asked for divorce in the first place, isn't it so you can finally be with him freely he accuses

Says the man who took only 2 days to engage the bitch he had an affairs  with after a divorce with  his  partner of 10 years, so i don't think you have the right to be accusing me of anything , and just so we are clear just because you were not loyal doesn't mean i wasn't , don't use me to try to make yourself feel better i tell him angrily.

Are you using him for his money, I hard a boy toy got some cash,and don't  let me started on how you used me so you can get a family  and sense of belonging after yours dead, he says with a sneer.

I punch him twice in his fucking face. I am fuming right now how could he, he knows how the death of my parents was a sore topic, how much i had struggled.

God what did I even see in this imbecile

I don't want to ever see you again i tell him camly but with a deathly stare.

I turn around and walked away. I need to be in my husband arms right now only his presence will came me down just like the previous night

Taking a deep breath i open his  office door only to find few people  from project department presenting their budgets and ideas to Daniel. Standing near the door i wait until there done and left before approaching him slowly.

Are you upset with me i ask gently

No  not with you but I am very upset that you just tossed me aside so you could have a conversation with that ex husband of yours he says calmly as he stands and place the files in the upper cupboard.

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