Chapter 10: 'Negotiations'

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Narrator: Crisis strikes! As the republic forces reconvene near the center of the battle-worn city, CIS forces March to battle once more, this time with a dastardly trick up their sleeves.

For Jerome, the young man could not catch a break for his men. Because he and his master had just settled the young commander's unit among the clones of the 501st and 212th, Captain Rex had come running towards them with the youngling on his heels.

Rex: General Kenobi! Commander Cooper! We got trouble!

Obi-wan: Trouble? What is it, Rex?

The older man asked as he turned towards the blue-accented clone. Jerome also glanced back, breaking the man's conversation with his co-CO as the clone captain spoke.

Rex: It's best you see this for yourself, youngling; get General Skywalker.

Ahsoka: Alright, and I've told you, Padawan.

She quipped with annoyance before running off to find the hot-headed man and leaving the three officers to follow behind Rex as they ran through the growing activity of the base camp. But as Jerome followed behind Rex, his spring crawled to a stop upon seeing the threat. Off in the distance, shining through the slits between skyscrapers, was an ominously growing energy shield of bright red.

James: Oh, that's...that's not good.

Jerome: Yeah, and I thought orbital bombardment was the worst-case scenario...this is much worse.

He said with a lump growing in his throat as a singular thought ran through the minds of everyone there. Their one advantage had now been swept away from them.

Rex: Our heavy cannons can't pierce that shield, sirs.

Obi-wan: Potentially, let's get to the holo table; there might be a way around this we can't see yet.

Rex: Of course, sir.

Rex said as the four quickly made their way through the rubble-filled street and into the temporary command post of the republic task force. Along the way, Ahsoka and Anakin joined the four. As they arrived, a map of the city appeared across the table, the shield ticking like a stopwatch as it grew by the second.

Jerome: Well, if anyone else isn't going to say it...whoever's in command of the CIS forces certainly has some tactics. Advancing under the shield's protection and preventing our artillery or armor from peppering them. Are we sure it won't get weaker the bigger it gets?

Rex: No, it won't, leaving us between a rock and a hard place.

He said, glancing over towards Obi-wan as the Jedi stroked his chin.

Obi-wan: We could wait till it falls over us, lure them into the buildings. It might even the playing field.

Jerome: Or allow them to pick us off easier. We'd be leaving our men to fend for themselves.

The young man replied, looking over at James, who nodded and gestured to the artillery batteries currently set up alongside Titan's walkers and the remaining drop ships.

James: That, and we'd be leaving our armor out in the open. We don't have the launchers or thermals to fight a hit-and-run if they fall.

Asoka: We won't have to if we can destroy the shield generator. Wouldn't that solve all our problems?

Rex: Easier said than done.

He replied before a forced cough drew everyone's attention toward Anakin, the man looking as if he was having trouble speaking.

Anakin: Well, for once, I agree with her. Someone had to get behind their lines and take down that shield generator. That's the key to our victory.

Obi-wan: Alright then, maybe you two can tiptoe through the enemy line and solve this little problem together?

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