Chapter 6: Rally the men

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Narrator: After the council meeting, a new Padawan has been appointed. The now Jedi Padawan Jerome Cooper must carry out his first set of orders. To prepare his new force for their new command.

Jerome strolled under the massive shadow of the Liberation's keel, the size of the capital ship blocking out the sun, leaving it cooler for the various crew and personnel loading aboard the vessel's provisions. The young man was still amazed that such a large vessel could even settle on a planet's surface, gawking at the massive clamps the ship sat in before moving to the side as a transport bound for the loading ramp lumbered by. Shaking his head, Jerome quickly returned to his task and headed towards the massive ramps leading into the belly of the beast. Striding up the incline, he smiled upon hearing a string of familiar whistles and beeps from above.

Jerome: Well, it seems you're being helpful, aren't you R4?

The young man said upon spotting R4 speeding to his side and shaking happily, a small hover pad trailing behind the droid, attached by a magnetic device connected to the chassis. Chuckling softly, Jerome patted the top of its head before spotting Niner and Taylor walking over. The Twi'lek face brightening upon spotting him. 

Tayler: I didn't expect to see you back so soon. How'd the meeting go kid?

She asked as Jerome shifted the data pad previously tucked under his arm into his free hand before shrugging nonchalantly.

Jerome: Eh, better than I expected, I'm a Padawan now.

Jerome said as Taylor's eyes widened before a joyful grin spread across her dark blue lips.

Tayler: Well, good for you kid. Did you come to pick up your stuff then? Given that you're joining the space monks, would it be more prompt to get rid of all your stuff? Eh, the whole thing doesn't make much sense to me.

She said, rubbing the back of her neck, stepping aside as another transport passed. The young Force user shaking his head and lifting the pad for them to see once he gained her attention again.

Jerome: It'll take more than that to get rid of me. I just came here to give orders to Captain Gallan and Commander James.

He relayed, perking up with a raised brow, Tayler went to say something before stopping and just shook her head.

Tayler: Well, that's good to hear. I've started to like having you around. You certainly are more helpful than some other greenhorns were when they started.

Tayler said as Jerome did a mock bow. The women rolling her eyes upon the gesture. 

Jerome: Aw, I'm honored you think so highly of me.

He said, straightening up and looking at both his droids.

Jerome: But in the meantime, you two keep lending aid till I get back, ok?

The young man stated, after which Niner stood rigid and saluted his master.

Niner: Orders received. I will provide assistance where I can.

Niner said while R4 released a high-pitched whistle, Jerome patting his droids head again, closed his eyes for a moment and nodded, then opening them again as he looked between the metallic entities.

Jerome: That's what I like to hear. Take care of them Taylor.

Jerome said to the Twi'lek, leaving them be while making his way into the ship again. The starship buzzing with activity, though not as much as when the 717th were retrieved aboard. The most notably difference being displayed by the massive cargo crates littering the hangar floor. Giant lift droids shepherded them about down below the main flight deck. Having to squeeze by a squad of clones, Jerome made his way through the halls and up the lift in good time. Upon the doors opening, Jerome spotted Captain Gallan and Commander James talking with a holographic figure. The two looked over at Jerome soon after the figure disappeared, the young man unable to recognize them before the Liberation's captain spoke.

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