Chapter 7: Training

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Narrator: Powers unleashed. Upon his new flagship, the young commander begins training for those he must lead, but with his heritage still a sour topic, Jerome's master must find a way to change his jaded perspective.

Aboard the Liberation, Obi-wan walked through the cargo hold searching for his new Padawan, though much in the vein of his apprentice, finding Jerome was becoming quite the labor of scouring the ship.

Obi-wan: If it weren't your kid, I wouldn't have been so accepting, old friend.

The Jedi muttered to himself before perking up as he heard a muffled grunt followed by a bashful laugh. Raising a brow, the Obi-wan picked up the pace, ducking underneath the hull of a sabre, upon which he spotted his target lying flat on his back. Jerome's chest heaved, sweat dripping off his body and cascading over the purple bruises that had begun to swell around his extremities. Over the young man stood one of his clone captains, a cheeky grin plastered across his face.

Barrage: Ah, you did better that time, kid. You almost hit me.

Jerome: Fuck, you.

He wheezed, his head lulling over to the side, and spotted his master. The Padawan gave Obi-wan a slight smirk and a lazy salute before flopping back.

Jerome: Morning master, care to join in on kicking my ass?

He said, lazily kicking Barrage's foot as the clone chuckled.

Barrage: Well, to be fair, you're learning CQC from me.

Jerome: My point still stands.

He said after a long pause before Obi-wan shook his head with a sigh, making his way over to his new charge and offering his aid. Jerome grasped onto the Jedi's hand and hauled himself off the ground with a grunt. Once back on his feet, the young man gave his master a nod as he rubbed a few of his bruises.

Obi-wan: While this is a valuable skill to have, I've come to begin your Jedi training. That is unless you would rather stay here and continue training with your captain for another hour.

He said with a smirk as Jerome blinked at his mentor for a second before turning around Barrage.

Jerome: That'll conclude my training for now. We'll continue this another time. Could you let James know I'll be out by the way?

He asked his captain—the clone growing a cheeky grin and saluted his CO.

Barrage: Copy that 'totally a Jedi!'. Have fun lifting rocks or whatever.

The captain stated before heading off to find the clone commander. All the while, Jerome's eyebrow twitched. Picking up a towel, he wiped the sweat from his brow. Obi-wan waited patiently as Jerome strapped his utility belt around his waist, the man eyeing the blaster now resting within a holster as the young man tossed the used cloth onto a nearby crate.

Obi-wan: Jedi don't typically use blasters. We are peacekeepers.

Obi-wan said, garnering an inquisitive look from Jerome, his eyes glancing down at the Dc-17.

Jerome: Yeah, peacekeepers that are the generals of the republic army. I joined to help protect people, not become a model wizard monk.

He said, affixing the belt into place before joining his master as they headed out of the venator's cargo bay and towards a nearby LAAT bound for the temple. As they walked, Obi-wan couldn't help but stare at Jerome as he walked beside him, the man becoming engrossed in his mind that he was jolted upright from his apprentice, snapping his fingers before the elder Jedi's face.

Jerome: Master? Do I have something on my face?

The young man asked, Obi-wan shaking his head, recovering from his sudden daze.

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