Chapter 4: Duel

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Narrator: A war on Reach. After discovering the diversion of the CIS, Major Liz and her comrades, along with the young force user Jerome Cooper, found the commander of their forces, Zar. Now left to their own devices, Jerome and his droids must fight her to provide hope that reinforcements will arrive or fall to the commander's blade. 

Jerome: The fuck have I gotten myself into!

The young man screamed within his mind over the sound of his heart pounding, blood pumping with full of adrenaline, and the sounds of sabers classing that kept him grounded. His singular focus on the fight all that kept him from meeting a tragically early end as, time after time, he barely blocked the endless flow of strikes from his opponent.

Swinging her blade down, Jerome sloppily blocked it with one saber and tried to go for a stab to Zar's gut with the other, only for the bottom blade of the women's saber to parry it away. Blinking, Jerome tried to backstep, only for the air to rush from his lungs as Zar spun around and kicked him in the chest, the dark side commander chuckling as she twirled her saber, the young man wobblily regaining his balance.

Zar: You're strong, but I'm surprised you're lasting this long against me.

Jerome: You're not the only one lady.

Jerome said, his voice strained as he took a deep breath before glancing to the side as Niner slowly circled to her backside. Moving his gaze away, Jerome ran at Zar, slashing his sabers in a scissor-like motion, but it resulted in both blades bouncing off, and a fresh wound across his forehead as Zar bashed his head with the hilt of her dual saber. The blow knocking Jerome to the ground with a soft thud, discarding both his sides as he held the fresh wound, blood slowly dripping down his face as he stared up at his opponent. Zar sighed softly before thrusting her blade forward; the tip held only a few inches away from the young man's face.

Zar: You're sloppy and unfocused. What did you think that would accomplish?

Jerome: Besides this lovely new wound, it was a good distraction.

He said as Zar raised an eyebrow before Niner leaped in, slashing its blade across her back. Rolling away from the red edge as it cut the air beside his head, Jerome snatched up his sabers and gazed back towards the commander with a smirk, only for it to fall as the women stood straight with a low chuckle.

Zar: Cheeky droid, you think that blade can cut through my armor?

Niner: I have made several miscalculations.

The droid announced when Zar turned around discarding her torn white cloak while swinging her blade, severing off one of the droid's legs before force-pushing him into a wall. The power behind the attack denting the wall with its chassis before it slumped to the floor, sparks now flying out from the severed limb as it went limp. Zar, humming to herself, looked back at Jerome as she spoke.

Zar: Against most, that might have worked, but sadly not me.

Jerome: Well, clearly, you just cut its bloody leg off!

Zar: Yes, but you'll be lucky if I only do that to you.

Gulping with widening eyes, Jerome ignited his blades and took a stance. However, he yelped as Zar raised her hand and, along with it, Jerome. The young man flailed for a second before being thrown against the holo-table, a pained growl leaving Jerome's lips, slumped against it. Blinking away fresh tears threatening to cloud his vision, the young man watched Zar stalk towards him, blade digging into the floor. Sparks flying with each step she took, ripping a line right toward him.

Jerome: Well, shit.

Jerome grunted before R4 came wheeling around the table and towards Zar. The droid letting out a burst of high-pitched whistles before barreling into the CIS commander. Zar grunted as she stumbled and looked down at the droid before forcibly kicking it away. The droid let out a whirling cry before slamming into the table beside his master, to which the astromech promptly fell onto its back with a low whistle as Zar was making the last few feet towards them with irritation spread all over her face.

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