Chapter 3

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As we arrived at Roger's flat, he immediately explained that it's usually not that messy, he's the tidy one and Freddie is the messy one. Wait what, Freddie?
"So you're living here with Freddie?" I asked curios.
"Yes, we've been living here since February last year. No problem at all?" He asked in surprise.
"No of course not, just had a feeling that he's not the biggest fan of mine" i said
"Yea.. that's Freddie just ignoring him. Once you get to know him better, you will like him. But that's enough of Freddie's. Here is my bedroom, place to sleep tonight" he said mischievously.
"Yea your bed seems very comfortable. Do you have a shirt for me?" I said and looked him into his eyes. The room was dark, just a little bit of light came through the windows inside. We're standing in front of his bed. In my opinion, way too close to be from each other. But his eyes.. were just gorgeous. I think he knows about the power of his eyes. "Yes I have a shirt for you" he said with a winke. He gave me a shirt which was laying on his bed.
"Who has already slept in that Meddows?" I asked with a small and mischievous smile on my face.
"No one, just my body as it is. Thought you would like it?" He bit into his lower lip and kept staring at me. Still close to mine. Our faces are getting closer and closer. He had a horny smile on his face. I decided to get out of my clothes and just stand in my underwear in front of him. His gaze wandered down my body. Yet again biting on his lips.
He laid his hands on my hips. He pulled me towards him. Our lips met each other. He caressed my back and got his hands to my ass. He squeezed it and I let a little moan out of my mouth. He looked at me "fuck Allie Baby" his mouth still locked with mine. My hands were in his hair. In his beautiful blonde hair, my other hand laid on his strong shoulder. He sits on his bed. I placed my body on his lap. We kissed each other and our tongues danced along. His hips were in rhythm with mine. I felt something under his jeans, something hard. I stopped kissing, looked at him, stood up and threw my T-shirt about my naked upper body.
His gaze was surprised.
"Did I do something wrong, Allie Baby?" He asked nervously
"No nothing, you made it more than right. But I really don't want to be one of your girls. I'm going to sleep right now. Can I still sleep in your bed?" I asked mischievously.
"Of course you can, my dear. But one condition. You have to cuddle up with me" he said with a smirk.
"Sounds perfect" I smiled and laid myself next to him. He pulled me close to his body and we laid there Roger spoonie me.
"Have a good night Allie Belly" his nose buried in my neck and hair. "You're smelling so good my dear"
"Have a good night Meddows," I smiled.
Next morning I woke up next to a snoring Roger. He still cuddled up with me. I decided to lay down again. Thought about what happened last night. But suddenly the door opened.
"Roger come on, we have rehearsal in one hour. I will make you breakfast. Oh and hey unknown girl.. please leave" Freddie shouted through the room. Roger jumped out of bed. His tired eyes locked with mine.
"Good morning, beautiful. Did you have a good sleep next to mine?" He asked tired but mischievously.
"Never had a better rest" I winked.
"Looks like Freddie ist pissed about my appearance, I'm gonna leave just dressing up myself" I said tiredly.
"No, no my dear, come with us to rehearse. I mean you can't get enough of me and my beautiful drummer arms" he laughed.
"Don't know Rog, I mean Freddie seems to have a problem with it. Don't want to provoke some trouble between you guys" I said quietly.
"I don't care. Mary is always with him, Ronnie, girlfriend of John as well. And Brian, don't know about Brain but I want someone who's with me you know" he smiled
"Okay coming with you but nevertheless I have to go home to change my clothes" I said
"Okay I give you the address and we're going to see us there" he told me
"Okay if you really want me to be there"
"I would love to," he interrupted me.
"See you in 2 hours Meddows" I winked and gave him a small kiss.
"Can hardly bear it, dear," he said. And with that I was leaving his flat on the way to mine.
I was thinking about what happened last night. I don't want a relationship right now because of my 6 year relationship. And Roger, doesn't seem like he wanted to have one as well. So maybe we're perfect for each other. Something casual. I thought about the other guys. They were very nice as well. I mean I could imagine being friends with them.
When I got to my apartment, I went to take a shower. A perfect, hot and steamy shower. Afterwards, I went to my bedroom and picked some clothes for the day. I decided to wear a casual dress in blue. Sandals on my feet and a black hand back. My hair was wavy and I decided to let it be like that. Then I headed to the studio. I was nervous because I didn't have the feeling that everyone would be happy to see me

Roger Taylor, Fate, love and friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now