Chapter 8

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I felt two hands on my shoulders. I turned around and with that, a kiss reached my mouth. Roger.
"Always the right timing" I winked at him. Maddy and Ronnie gave each other a mischievous smile. John, Brian, Freddie and even Mary were with him. I welcomed everybody with a hug besides Freddie and Mary. They were already on the way to the bar.
"So everybody this is Maddy, my best friend. Mary, the poodle is Brian, the guy to my left is John, that blonde smile over here is Roger and the others are Freddie and Mary. Guys, be nice to her"
Chuckles and welcomes from everybody. The boys took their seats.
Roger sat on the end, I sat next to him. Other side was Maddy, then Ronnie and John, and the last one Brian.
"Alright girls, who has had a fairy tongue" Roger smirked tipsy.
"Not your business at all Rog" Ronnie said and reached her tongue out to him.
At this point I was already drunk. I was fixed with Rogers' mouth. I was wondering what special thing he could do with his tongue. I mean his kissing skills were already perfect.
"Do I have something between my teeth?" Roger whispered to me.
"Wh...what?" I stuttered. I felt caught.
"Why are you staring at my mouth?" He mischievously smiled over to me.
"Nothing between your teeth. Just your mouth" I winked.
"I think I already knew Allie baby. Do you wanna feel my fairy tongue?" He licked over his lips. His one hand under the table on my thigh. On the other hand, his head laid in the palm of it.
"I heard you got one. But what makes it so special? I want proof like you needed proof with my underwear" I whispered to him, our eyes locked.
"Let me show you, I will show you" he gasped into my ear. His head grabbed in my neck. Then he started to kiss my neck.
"Take a room" Brian shouted. I turned my head around. Ronnie and Maddy stared over to us. Fuck. My cheeks are heating up. Fuck.
"Don't get red Allie baby, nothing to blame about me" Roger winked them up. I guess Ronnie or at least Maddy has heard everything. It's like I said I was already drunk.
Then, with perfect timing, Freddie and Mary took their place.
"I'm so glad you guys are here" I stumbled in front for myself
"Always a pleasure to meet myself" Freddie laughed and raised one eyebrow. He took a seat next to me. Roger went to the bar and got us some drinks. Or that's the plan, he doesn't show up. Then I spotted him at the bar. He was talking to two girls, and the girls adored him. Or at least it seems like that. Mary was so quiet and already left 10 minutes later.
„Seems like both of us are just the second choice," Freddie whispered to me and pointed unobtrusively to Roger and Mary. Mary went to the door.
"Is she leaving?" I asked Freddie.
"Who cares?" Freddie shrugged his shoulders and took a huge gulp from his drink. He's already drunk.
"I care. Are you okay Freddie?" I laid my hand on his lap and my eyes searched for his. He looked up, his eyes staring at mine.
"Are you? Looks like little Rog has a little bit too much fun over there" he rolled his eyes. He stood up and went to the bathroom.
"I'll get a drink, does someone need anything?" I quickly asked.
"A beer for me please," John said.
I rushed over to the bathroom and searched for Freddie. But I didn't notice him. I sat down on a chair, in a small corner beside the bathrooms. Suddenly Freddie stands in front of me.
"You're everywhere, aren't you?" He asked and sipped on his drink. He sat on the chair next to me.
"Just wanna know if you need someone to talk to. You are looking very sad" I said honestly and silently. He looked at me, with his eyes full of sadness.
"Actually I wanna talk, what's the thing between you and Rog? Normally he doesn't even remember the names of his girls. What's the thing about you Allie?" His gaze, it was like he's seeing through me. Directly in my soul. I stared at him.
„I don't know, we're just friends. We talked about everything. That means I'm not allowed to be angry at him" I shrugged my shoulders.
„Mary is often quiet. I was wondering if she's always that quite" I asked reluctantly.
"Not your business my honey" he rolled his eyes and stared at the wall.
"Let me know when you're ready for a talk about Roger. I know how it feels when someone doesn't respond to your feelings." he said, stood up and walked away. I stood up as well and held him back on his arm.
"Freddie, we can talk about everything that you want, just open up yourself a little bit we're known each other for two months at least. You're the one, I know the least of." I shouted because of the loud music.
"Then come home with me, we can talk there"he raised one eyebrow.
"Isn't it weird to sleep by you when Roger isn't home?" I asked.
"Oh Allie my Honey, you are just afraid of what sound is coming tonight from Roger's bedroom" he said. That was a hard one, but was he right? Am I afraid? Am I jealous? To prove the other point, I decided to go home with him. He went to the table. I was behind him. But a drunk Roger came into my sight. He stood in front of me.
"Roger it's okay, I'm leaving just go home with them and have some fun" a little and forced smile left my mouth.
"No Allie, it's not like that. I wanted to ask if... you want something to drink?" He stuttered.
"Oh it's exactly what you thought. It's okay, I will see you soon" I gave him a hug and left.
I went to my friends and saw that Freddie was leaving. I told my friends I had to leave as well. We said goodbye to each other. I stumbled out of the bar and searched for Freddie. But he wasn't there. Wow super Allie, leaving the club because of a man, leaving the club because the other man had too much fun in front of me. You did well Allie. I decided to walk to my apartment. I had no choice. But then I saw Freddie. I walked over to him, he sat on the grass, in front of him a pond. Roger and I sat there a lot of times. I sat next to him.
"You found me," Freddie said and smiled.
"Yes, I wanna take your offer. About our talk, let's go home." I stood up and reached my hand to him.
"You're gonna take some risks, I like it" he put his hand in mine and stood up. We walked home for just about 10 minutes. As we arrived I put my stuff on the couch.
"Drink?" Freddie asked and turned himself to the little self made bar.
"Always up for a drink" I answered with a smile.
I sat down on the couch and Freddie placed himself next to me. He threw one arm on the top of the couch and turned to me.
"Little Allie baby, the walls are thin in this place. Are you honest to me?" He raised one eyebrow and sipped on his drink.
"Why shouldn't I?" I asked and sipped on my drink as well.
"What's that between you and Rog?" His voice was silent, barely to hear.
"Nothing exciting, just friends with cuddling benefits. No shagging" I looked at my hand nervously. Roger and I had a deal, nobody should know about our little friends with benefits agreement. Because it would be difficult if anyone knows it, it would get complicated.
"And you're okay with that? I mean you never want more?" He stared into my eyes.
"Totally" I stumbled, our eyes locked. He took a sip from his drink, his eyes never left mine.
"You're a good soul," Freddie said.
"Was it a question?" I asked.
"Whatever you want it to be, darling," he said.
"Are we gonna talk about what happened between you and Mary?" I asked carefully.
"Nothing to talk about, just a tragic story about two people. One of them is in endless love. But the other one, was never with the whole heart in it. So it makes the first one think about what else could love look like" he sighed.
"Is she cheating?" Once again I asked carefully but never had a feeling about Freddie and me could have a talk like that.
"It's more complicated than you think, my dear. But enough details about my love life. And because of you not going to talk about your lovelife, I'm gonna take a rest. Tomorrow is rehearsals. Have a nice rest Allie" he went to his Bedroom.
"Good night" I sighed. What does it mean? Think about other ways of love? He means her, is he meaning himself? I have more questions than before. I decided to take a quick shower. I undressed myself and stepped into the warm shower. After 2 minutes the door suddenly opens. 

Roger Taylor, Fate, love and friendshipTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon