Chapter 12

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Rogers POV:
The next morning, I woke up at 7am. I decided to close my eyes again. It was so cozy next to her. I just felt comfortable and loved by her. I know we're not dating and wanted to have everything casual. But it was nice to be with her. I fell asleep again. Suddenly two hands grabbed me by my shoulders.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" An unknown voice shouted at me. I was so confused, hangovered and had no idea what was going on. I smiled tiredly to the person and said "Rogah Taylah" I said, my voice sounds still drunk. I searched for Allie. I stood up, just dressed in my panties. Great Roger.

"Who the fuck are you and where is Allie?" I asked determinedly.
"I'm her boyfriend, what do you have to do in her bed? In fucking pants? Piss off wanker" He said aggressively.
"Calm down, you're not her boyfriend. And where the fuck is she?" I stood up to make myself more confident.
"I don't know, I thought you would know. But I'm going to wait here for her. Dress yourself and piss off" He turned to the door. I dressed myself but decided not to leave anyway. I don't want her to be alone with that kind of person. But where was she? I stepped into the kitchen and he sipped on his coffee. He's feeling way too comfortable here.
"I think you should leave, she's not interested to see you" I said angrily. That wanker should piss himself off. Allie told me, she never wants to see him again because he's cheated on her with her best friend.

"Who's saying that? You little fag? What do you want to do? You're not even as tall as Allie" he laughed at me. Okay. Now I'm angry. Maybe I'm not that tall, but still taller than Allie. But that's not the point. He called me fag. What the fuck.

"What's your problem? Just leave. Just to inform you, that little fag over here made Allie more come than you ever did. She told me about your bad habits in bed" I locked my arms in front of my chest and drew my eyebrows together.

He stepped closer to me. Okay maybe that wasn't the best choice of words i made, because he was a giant, a pumped up on steroids giant.

"What did you say you little fag? You're not really thinking that she really likes you. I mean look at you, you have the same hairstyle as she. No woman ever thought that a guy with long blonde hair was sexy. You are just a gap filler" He stood near to me.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, looks like she's loving my gay hairstyle now. Besides, you are standing in my comfort zone, take a step back. And lock the door from the outside please" I said, turned myself to the coffee machine and turned on the hot water button.

"What's your task over here?" He asked furiously. I went for a lying story, because I thought he would leave and leave her alone as well.

"I am her boyfriend now, it was nice with you but" I was interrupted. I turned myself and felt his fist in my face. That fucking wanker. I couldn't believe what was happening, I mean I'm not hitting people in my free time. I always have a good time. But now it's time to protect my honor. I punched him straight back, on his nose. Fuck, that hurted to my fingers. But I'm not making any appearance.
"Looks like the little fag, punched you and now it's time to leave." I said in a proud tone of myself. He turned his head up and his nose was bloody as fuck. Shit, I thought. Now he's going to break my nose. But the door opened. Allie stood in the door with a huge bag full of groceries.

"Oh my fucking god, whats going on here? Why are you two bleeding? And why the fuck are you here Toni?" She asked, furious and confused.

"Hey my smudge, come to me. I'm back, only for you" Toni said.
"Oh c'mon just fucking leave" I threw in. Allie gave me a bad look. I did nothing wrong.

"Allie, come back to me. Are you serious about that faggy boy over here? He's not your type at all" He tried to twist her head.
"Fuck Toni, piss off I don't wanna see you ever again. And that little fag over there, is better than you ever will be. Just leave my fucking apartment. And I want my keys back. Now" She said in an aggressive tone.
"Allie, come not. Are you serious? Don't be silly, come back to me" he stepped closer to her.

"You heard what she was saying, now keys and leave." I stepped towards her. He looked confused to us.
"You're not going to be happy with your new boyfriend, I tell you. And Roger Taylor? You always meet twice in life, be aware" he threatened me. He put the keys on the table and left.

"Very charming" I smiled over to Allie.

"Oh my god Roger, I am so so sorry. You're bleeding. Come on, I'll take care of it." She said upset.
"No Allie, everything is fine. I'm just glad that he showed up when I was here. He threw me out of bed." I hugged her.

"No way, I'm really sorry. There is no apology for that" she was so in shock.
"It's okay Allie, not your fault. I'm not mad at you, promise" I gave her a kiss on her head. She smiled over to me.
"So why did he think you would be my Boyfriend?" She finally let out a little laugh from her.

"Easy, because I told him" I smiled at her.

"You are crazy. But thanks Roger, I really appreciate what you did" she hugged me again.
"No problem for my love" I kissed her. We ate our breakfast and made ourselves ready for the day. I had band practice and Allie has had to finish her assignments. I'm not sure why, but I'm mad when I think about it. We're not seeing each other for the next week. She told me she had to make her assignments ready. I can understand her, maybe I should do the same stuff, but the band sucks out all my energy. Maybe I need something white one. Something that cheers me up for uni stuff.

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