Chapter 5

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It has been 2 weeks since I slept by Roger. We had a lot of dates at that time, and I saw the boys and Ronnie barely everyday.
But I decided to get clear with myself over my feelings for him. I wasn't expecting a relationship with him. I mean he kind of said that as well. So I think neither of us would like/ want it at the moment. I washed up my dirty dishes and my thoughts came to mind. We had more than 5 dates already and I didn't sleep with him. I mean that's not a problem at all for me, but I notice every time I'm with him I barely hold on to that. I want to have sex. It's 3 months ago and I'm ready for it. But at the same time I don't wanna be one of his random girls. I like his friends. It's like they are my friends as well. I didn't want to screw this up for some sex. It's like everybody said, don't have sex with him. I think everybody is saying this because one of us would get some feelings. Maybe not, maybe it does. It would be awful to lose my new group of friends. I mean even Freddie had a little chat with me.
*Ding Dong* the doorbell. Nice every time I get busy the fucking doorbell is ringing.
I opened the door.
"Allie, my love, how are you?" Roger smiled and hugged me. Don't know when he started to call me like that but it was Roger so everything was fine and casual.
"Meddows, what are you doing here?" I smirked.
"Just wanna know if you're coming tonight?" He asked.
I was confused and don't know anything about tonight.
"Don't look at me like that, our date tonight just the two of us, and no friends" he winked.
"Oh yeah I'm sorry I was so busy I just forgot about that. But I'm looking forward to it,you will see I'm going to wear my best outfit just for you" I laughed.
It was a kind of relationship, kind of best friends between us. But I liked it, he made me feel good.
"I hope so," Roger said and licked his lips.
"I pick you up at 7pm after band practice" he smiled and left my apartment.
The rest of the day I made some dishes and did household chores. I went to the shower and afterwards I put my makeup on. Just a little bit of makeup, not too much. I always liked my natural beauty. My blonde hair was a little curly and my outfit was tight and sexy. I wore a tight leather skirt with a white, flower top. I chose some flat shoes because Roger is maybe 5cm taller than me. I left my apartment and went to the pub where we're going to meet. He stood in front of the entrance and came straight to me.
"Allie, my love finally. I'm glad you're here tonight", his gaze happy. He hugged me tightly.
"Hey Rog, I'm glad as well so... let's get drunk and have a good night?" I laughed
As we went inside, we sat on the same table as always but I hadn't a problem with it at all.
"Finally we're alone, alone at a bar and not alone at home you know" Roger said nervously.
"Yes, relax I mean it's not an official 'we're getting together' date" I said and laid my hand on his lap. He laughed and made his way to the bar. He came back with fancy looking cocktails. We chatted along about our families and friends. I told him that my boyfriend left me 3 months ago, and he cheated on me. With my best friend. He laid the palm of his hand on my cheek and caressed over it. He was so sensitive and always made me laugh. But nobody's gonna know that he can be a sensitive one.
"That's what I love about you, you always made me smile" I said and looked right into his eyes. We're sitting very close to each other, my head laid in the palm of my hand, the other one plays up and down on Roger's lap. His hands laid on my lap. It was very intimate.
"Oh my Allie baby you're such a beauty"
"Oh Roger Boy, I just wanna let you know something" I sucked from my straw and looked right into his wide eyes "I'm not wearing any underwear today" I mischievously smiled over to him. He undressed me with his eyes and his mouth bit open.
"Fuck" he gasped in my ear.
I decided, Tonight I'm gonna have myself a real good time. I know everything was casual but why aren't we using all the advantages of our friendship. I think that would be fair enough.
"Look who's right here two, don't know how to describe you, two lovebirds, alone on our table" a voice suddenly appeared behind us.
"Freddie, it's not your business. Hey friends, how are you?" John stumbled behind him. I was curious about where they come from. but I didn't want to show anything, so I decided to smile and overplay my horny desperate situation.
"Hey guys, glad you're here, where are you coming from?" I asked nicely and made some space for the other ones to sit down. Roger looked pissed about them.
"We're just looking for some beers after our band practices," Brian laughed. Okay, it seems everyone was here.
"Suits to us" Roger answered, a little bit pissed. I nudged his arm and laughed.
So as always as it was with the boys, there was no ending. We laughed and even Freddie had a good time. I asked where Mary was but he didn't even notice my question.
"It's not that easy between them," John whispered in my ear. I looked surprised at him and asked why but he told me even Roger doesn't know it. And if anyone knew it, probably he. Later that night I got very tipsy and so was Roger.
Freddie disappeared into the bar after that. Maybe he heard my question but didn't want to answer it. Otherwise I'm not believing that Freddie gave my opinion that much weight.
"I'm going to the bathroom" I told the guys and gave Roger a small wink.
As I washed my hands the door opened.
"Meddows it's a fucking girls bathroom what are you doing here?" I laughed and rolled my eyes
"Just missed you my love, and I get your little winked hint" he looked at me, coming closer
"When did you start calling me 'my love'?" I asked drunk.
"Don't know, it just suits you, so I thought it's a nice name for my Allie belly" he stepped closer and closer to me with a mischievous smile on his face.
"Everything better than that belly thing" I laughed and turned myself around, Roger now standing in front of me. Close to me. He took my head into the palm of his hand. One hand on my waist. Pulling me against his.
"Look at me Allie, you want it too" he's licking his under lip. He looked at me and then he started to kiss me. It was such a naughty one. In the bathroom of a pub. His hands wander down my body to my ass. He liked my ass. He squeezed it and had a mischievous smile on his face, while we're still kissing. His hands now, more hungry than ever sliding down my skirt. A silent moan left my mouth.
"All I could think of was you, and your missing underwear" Roger gasped. We continued with our wild kissing. His head sliding down my neck where he places a lot more kisses. He started to bite my neck and let a little moan out of his mouth. Our hips were so close to each other's, it was hard not to notice as Rogers was.
"Let me feel the proof that you're not wearing any" the words left his mouth, between his heavy breaths.
"Feel it" I took his hand and placed it right on my boobs. He started to knead them. A loud moan left my mouth.
"Let's continue at home" I said, a little bit surprised by myself.
The door opened and Ronnie looked at us. Roger just laughed, whipped his mouth and left the bathroom. In the door frame he stops "I'm waiting outside" he winked. Ronnie looked over to me with wide eyes and an open mouth.
"Oh my god! Allie I thought it's just a kissing thing between you guys, never noticed it was kind of that hot kissing" she said excitedly.
"Ronnie, please don't tell anybody! I don't want to be one of his girls you know... I've started to like you guys way too much, to have to leave you now" I said tipsy and honestly, standing right in front of her.
"Allie baby" she gave me a look full of warmth and love. "Ugh don't call me like that Ronnie" I smiled and raised one eyebrow. "Don't ask," I added.
"Okay, okay I'm not gonna ask... but I never would tell anybody it's just between us girls, pinky promise. And now go home and have fun tiger" she clapped my buttcheek and laughed. She has had way too much fun with it.
I went back to the table and got my purse. Roger leaned against the table and chatted with John and Brian.
"There you are, come on my lo.., my lady" he stuttered. He doesn't really like it when someone knows his soft side. I think he switched the words because of that.
"Bye guys, see you next time! Always a pleasure with you!" I smiled.
"Not as much pleasure as Roger can give you" Ronnie shouted from behind us and had a huge laugh.
"Ha ha she's just kidding" I smiled a little bit embarrassed.
"Night guys, have a good rest" Brian winked over to us.
"Sleep well," John added with a sarcastic tone.
As we left the club I saw Freddie very close to a random person I didn't know, but I think that's not my business at all. As we left, as always Roger pulled me close to his and his hand laid on my waist. Then he pulled something out of his jacket.
"Are you a bad girl Allie?" He asked one eyebrow raised up.
"Always have been, Meddows" I mischievously smiled at him.
"Give me a lighter" he sat down on the grass underneath our feets. There was a small pond, with barely light.
"You've smoking weed? The better I know you, the more I like you" I sat down next to him. He looked at me and smiled. A very warm one. We smoked the joint and talked a lot. After we finished he looked at me, his eyes fixed with mine.
"You're full of surprises, aren't you?" His mouth left a little smile. I kissed him. His hands are strong on my waist. He stopped, looked at me, raised one eyebrow "slow down Allie, not home yet" and winked. I laughed and laid my head on his shoulder.
I finally found the courage to speak up about our relationship.
"So Roger, just to make it safe for me and you, I really like you and your friends, just to hang out with all of you. If we're really going to do this, please let us be friends and don't make it more complicated than it has to be. I'm unsure about the others, they warned me about it. Feelings and stuff like that you know." I told him shyly so my voice got quieter with every word. His eyes searched for mine but I stared at the grass between my feets.
"Allie, come on it's just getting complicated if we make it, and I think we're very uncomplicated. Besides don't listen to them, they have no idea about me" he took my hands in his.
"So everything is casual and relaxed between us?" I asked him, now I was looking right into his eyes.
"More than ever my love" he said and placed a kiss on my forehead.
"My proposition would be, don't tell anybody it's our business." I said with a smile on my face.
"Deal" Roger nodded.
"Let's go home" I stood up and reached for his hand. He followed me, and we arrived at my apartment. He stopped me, as I was about to open the door. He kissed me, intensiv. Our tongues were dancing along. He stopped, our faces still close that our noses touched.
"Just to prove you, we can be friends without sex" he winked.
"But we hadn't sex at all Meddows, forget about it? I'm not wearing underwear" I said and licked my lips.
"Yeah I know Allie baby, and you have no idea how much I long for it, but as a proof for both of us, we can do this" he kissed me once again and then ran, he really ran, in the direction of his apartment.
I got upstairs and was wondering about what happened. I mean, was he scared about my words? Was it too harsh? I thought I picked the right words. And his apartment is miles away so he has to walk at least 30 minutes. It's cold outside. Was it so bad with me? I don't know what to think, or was it just a sign of friendship. I brushed my teeth and made myself ready for bed. I laid inside my bed and my head was full of thoughts. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, until the doorbell rang. Again and again. 

Roger Taylor, Fate, love and friendshipDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora