Chapter 14

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Something happy filled my whole body. I felt like I could do everything in that moment. I want to move, I want to dance, I want to hug and kiss everyone. That thing is totally picking me up right now. I placed my hand on Roger's lap. It felt so smooth and trusting. His velvet trousers are so soft. Roger looked at me and started to smile. He inhaled his cigarette and whispered in my ear.

"You have beautiful black eyes my love" he chuckled. I just had a huge smile on my face. Now Roger's hand was on my lap. He went up and down.

"Just like your eyes," I said, full of happiness. We're staring at each other. It felt like we're staring for the whole night.

"What's wrong with them?" Julie asked. „Allie, Roger?" John snapped with his fingers in our faces. Totally out of this world I came back. "Yeah, what's wrong?" I turned my head to them, still smiling.

"Nothing too bad, they are just having a good time from now on," John smiled at Julie. Roger, Freddie and I made our way to the dance floor. We danced and had so much fun together. I felt so connected with both of them. After a while I needed a break. Something to drink. All of our friends were gone. So I placed myself at the table and drank my water. It was already 6:17am. Okay fine, I'm going home right now. It's a far way but I never was more ready for it than now. Freddie and Roger came along.

"Guys I'm leaving. I want to walk, I really want" I said enthusiastically. They both laughed.

"We're coming with you," they said. They got our jackets and we started to walk. There was the sea I wanted to sit down so badly. So I went over there and placed myself on the ground. They sat next to me, so I was in the middle. I laid my head on Roger's shoulder.

"I'm so lucky to have you guys. I don't know what I would do without you" I smiled and laid my hand at Freddie's lap. He looked at me and smiled.

"Tell me guys, what's the secret between yours? I mean the three of us are knowing that your more than once slept with each other" Freddie smirked at us. 

"I don't know Fred, she's just perfect and full of surprises" Roger said and inhaled his cigarette.

"The secret is that we're not jealous and we're not a couple. So we have some space for other things, no responsibilities, just totally honest" I said honestly. Freddie took my hand in his. We just sat there and stared at the water.

"Guys, my butt is cold and wet. Can we go home?" I asked after a while. They both started to laugh.

"Of course, come on my love" Roger stood up and took my hand. My other hand was locked with Freddie's. So we went hand in hand, in hand at home. As we arrived, I directly began to undress myself because my clothes were wet. I threw a shirt from Roger over myself and laid me on the couch. They both sat next to me.

"Drink?" Freddie asked.

"Always" Roger and I said at the same time.

He made us a mimosa and we drank and talked so much. About how everything started, they known each other's, crazy things we're experienced. I feel so connected with them. I finally had the courage to ask about Mary. I haven't seen her in a while.

„While we're making some real honest talk right now, what's with Mary? Did you guys break up?" I asked carefully and searched for Freddie's eyes. But he stared at the ground.

„We're not on the same track anymore. I wanna have fun and all, but she's always so serious. To be honest I had a feeling she felt ashamed of me" his eyes were full of sadness. I placed my hand on his lap and began caressing it.

„It suck's man, you need someone like my Allie one, always open up for fun. And you know, in bed you can try everything..." Roger said.

„Roger shut up" I interrupted him. Freddie let a little laughter out of his mouth.

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