Chapter 9

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A/N: Hey Guys, hope you're enjoying my Story. This chapter is a little bit longer than the others. But it's time for NSFW


Someone stepped inside the bathroom and closed the door. Before I could say a thing, a clearly drunk Roger started to talk.
"Freddie, I need you. I couldn't make it. The two girls you know, it just felt wrong. Because of the whole thing with Allie you know, I don't know what feelings" I quickly interrupted him, before he said something he would regret.
"Roger it's me Allie!" I said out loud.
"Freddie, Allie what are you both doing inside there?" He threw the curtain to the side.
"Oh my God! Roger! What are you doing?" I shouted and threw the curtains back.
"Sorry I thought you would be there with Freddie" he sighed. "But already a good start to scream my name"
"Roger not today, don't wanna kiss you when your mouth was locked with those Blondies earlier" I said loudly. With that the curtains opened up again. Roger stood naked in front of me and stepped into the shower.
"Didn't kiss them Allie" he stared into my eyes. His gaze was so lovely.
"All I could think of was how I wanna show you what else I can do with my tongue" his eyes full of harassment.
"I'm not a consolation prize, you can come home and use it like you want to, Meddows" I raised one eyebrow and didn't take my eyes off him. I want it to make it clear that we're okay with some sex but not if someone is just desperate.
"Not a consolation prize, you're the jackpot Allie baby" he leans against me. With his one hand, he supported himself against the wall. The other hand, he held my cheek. And his gaze never left my body.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked carefully.
"Don't you hear what I was saying? Didn't want to leave with them, just wanna to go to you Allie Baby" he gasped into my ear. With that I was all his.
"Then show me what's the thing about your tongue" I groaned in his neck. I started to kiss him. And so did he. Our body's, apparently naked, pressed tightly against each other. Then Roger started to go down with his kisses, along my whole body. Until he stopped, right between my legs. He started to do his tongue thing. I couldn't held it
"Fuck Roger, give it to me" I gasped between his kisses and lick over me.
After a time he went back to my mouth. Now connecting our body's. Rogers' face grabbed into my neck. He whispered in my ear "do it Allie Baby, for me. Say my name" he groaned.
"Isn't it your kink? Fuck. Me. Roger" I said slowly. He starts to do the thing he knows I like. "Roger, fuck yes" I screamed and was about to finish. So he does. We're doing our usual stuff after acts like this. Afterwards, we went to his bedroom. I cuddled myself next to him, he always likes to cuddle. So I laid my head on his chest. He caressed my hair, both of us barely awake. He gave me a kiss on my head
"Real jackpot, good night my love" he whispered and we both fell asleep.
Next morning I woke up at 6 am. Too early for me. But I had no choice, I had to work, so I decided to stand up with a bad headache. I made myself some coffee, when Freddie's door opened.„Drink?" I said sarcastically.
„Early bird darling?" Freddie yawned.
„Not at all, feeling like a truck drove above me," I answered tiredly.
„Why are you awake? Had a bad dream?" Freddie smirked and sat on the table. I put his coffee in front of him.
„No, I have to work today. And soon or later the semester holidays are over. So I really need to do some stuff for the uni you know" I explained and sipped on my coffee.
„Yes, I know. The band is fun and all, but it drains all my energy for university" he sighed.
„Didn't even know you're studying? What's your subject?" I asked in interesting and started to toast some bread.
„Graphic designs" he answered quickly.
Probably that was the first real conversation I had with Freddie, besides from yesterday night. I still thought about what he meant by what he was saying about Mary.
„Allie?" Freddie asked. Torn from my thoughts, I had no idea what he was saying.
„Huh?" I stumbled.
„I asked if you or me wanted to wake up Rog, because I think he had some visitors overnight. Might drive you insane." he raised one eyebrow and sipped on his coffee.
„Oh no Problem at all!" I winked over to him, stood up and went to Roger's bedroom.
I opened the door with a flourish.
„Time to get up, Meddows," I shout.
Then I sat on the chair, where I sat before. Freddie stared at me and was in shock. Apparently I already knew that there was no girl in his bed, because I was the visitor last night, otherwise I'd never have done this. A very tired Roger stepped out of the bedroom, he came over to me, kissed my head and sat on the chair next to me.
"Already left? That was a fast one" Freddie smirked.
"Not left at all," Roger winked. I kicked him underneath the table.
"Ouch," he said. I rolled my eyes. I saw Freddie's gaze switch between me and Roger. Shit I think he knows something. Thanks Roger... Roger stood up and went to the bathroom.
"Can you do me a favor and call Roger for me? I have to protect my voice for recording sessions the whole day." I drew my eyebrows together and decided to do it.
"Roger, can you come for a second?" I screamed. Freddie's eyes wide. I didn't know why his facial expression was so excited this morning. I finished my bread and my coffee. Time to leave. Roger came out of the bath.
"I have to go, see you." I gave him a hug and a kiss on his cheek.
"Allie baby wait, see you? Not tonight?" Roger asked, surprised.
"No I'm sorry I have to do some stuff for uni and I can't get drunk every night. I'm tired" I told him.
"But it's not that fun when my fan isn't there" he said and made a pout.
"Oh c'mon Meadows, we both know I'm more than a fan you would miss. Your ego needs someone who stares at you all the time" I laughed. Roger gave me again a hug, and whispered in my ear, "please come, I would miss you"
"Maybe" I hesitated. With that, I left the apartment. I went to the Bus stop and drove home. I switched my clothes for work and stepped outside. I arrived at work. Maddy stood there, clearly having the same hangover as me.
"Hey Allie, how are you doing? How was your night? I saw you didn't got home with Roger last night" she said quietly and held her head with the palm of her hand.
"So many questions for a headache. But to answer your question good, good, and yes that's right I didn't go home with him but nevertheless, I slept by him" I said exhausted.
"What? You have to tell me everything! What do you think? Girls night?" Maddy asked excitedly.
"No more outgoing for me tonight. I'm tired, I already told Roger. But if you want we can hang out at my place tonight. I have things to do after work but at 10pm you could come to me" I suggested. Before she came together with Mike, we did a lot together. I'm glad that she finally made her steps back, and wants to hang out again.
"Nothing better than that," she said happily.
Maddy's shift was over and I said goodbye to her.
"See us later" I waved over to her.
Now I'm alone, just for one hour. To make the store clean. I looked over to the window, there I saw a man who was looking inside the store. Freddie? I opened the door and left him inside.
"Hey Freddie, what's going on? How can I help you?" I asked in confusion. He smelled like a bar.
"Nothing, just need something to wear. For our next stage performance," he said in a soft and drunken tone.
"Freddie, we're already closed. But come inside we find something for you" I smiled over to him. I was wondering why he was here, and drunk. He took a pair of tight leather trousers and a tight, deep cut shirt. I would see his bellybutton, if he would wear it. Suddenly he starts to take his clothes off. In the middle of the store.
"Freddie, take a fitting room" I laughed and was confused. What was going on here?
"No darling, nothing you haven't seen. Or haven't seen from Rogers" he said in a tone of arrogance.
"Not at all Freddie, as i told you, Roger and I are just friends with kissing benefits" I lied.
"I know, I know," he stuttered.
"But there is one thing you have to know little Allie, I've been living together with Roger for a long time now. There's nothing I haven't heard from him. And his girls." He raised one eyebrow, still naked in front of me. Just wearing boxer shorts.
"Okay I'm happy about that?" I tried to stay calm, so he doesn't get suspicious.
"Looks like you already know his kink. Or at least, I heard it" now his tone, as if he were superior. He threw the shirt over his naked chest. I stared at him. Didn't know what to say. Now he starts to put on the trousers.
"Do I look fantastic?" Freddie asked enthusiastically.
"Wh..what?" I stuttered. "Your looking great, fits perfectly" I smiled. "Those tight clothes suit you so well. I mean, your body comes into its own." I raved.
I stared at him, at his barely covered chest. He looks so good in those clothes. I mean he's a good looking man overall. And those chest hairs, it looks so masculine. I kinda like it. And his cheekbones I mean, they are perfect!
"You're checking me out?" Freddie asked, and tore me out of my thoughts.
"What? No not at all, just wondering what you're doing here, after the store closed already. Everything alright?" I asked carefully.
"Yes, everything is great. But now you're with Roger that much, I have to know you better" he said.
"But that's not the reason why you're here!?" I said thoughtfully.
"No that's not, I wanna see your reaction. What you saying about fucking my best friend. I'm not quite sure why you two are hiding it from us. I mean it's obviously" he rolled his eyes.
"First of all, it's not your business." I said calm and took a deep breath.
"Second, what would you care about, me fucking your best friend?" I asked in a shakily tone.
"Nothing, I just don't like it when someone is lying to me. That's all" he said, if he's not caring at all.
"Got it, makes total sense Freddie. I'm not going to hurt him, I promise. Besides I don't think anybody could ever hurt him" I chuckled.
"if you would've known. I have known him for a while, I think he has a thing for you, but I mean how could he not?" he said, his gaze locked with the clothes he's holding.
"I don't think so, we're talking very openly about all those things" I said unsure.
"If you say so, little Allie" he's moving his head up and looking me deep in my eyes.
"Don't want any of you to get hurt," he said. His eyes, again looking right into my soul. I don't know what to say, this situation was so different than before, I felt his sadness, his worries about friendship. It was a different conversation, the kind where our gaze said everything. I found my courage to speak up again, and released me from his gaze.
"Nonetheless, please don't tell anybody. It would get complicated between all of us. I don't want the looks from the others, full of attention and sympathy. I'm the poor little girl, which he's playing with, but that's not the truth. Just a little bit of fun for both of us" I said honestly. I was always curious about Freddie, once you see him you can't say a normal sentence. And then the next time he's the person, I have had a feeling like we're knowing each other for years.
"Got it. You two made a clever agreement. But do me one favor, be a little bit quieter next time. I don't like to hear someone who screams names, except for my own." He winked and went to the fitting room. I had no answer, and was wondering why he's using the fitting rooms now. He went back fully dressed in his old clothes.
"I take all of them," he said and laid the clothes at the desk. "someone told me it was related, particularly the tight one" he winked.
Is he flirting? Is he drunk? Is that like he was? I am confused!
"Someone told you the naked truth" my gaze wandered up and down his body. Okay wait, what am I doing now?
"Someone has a very good taste. With all of her choices" he paid, turned himself and went to the door. He stopped, looked at me and said
"I'm glad you're in our group right now" with that he left. I was confused by that situation. Are we friends? Are we known? Or am I just a girl, who's fucking with his best friend, now he's trying to be friendly? He's such a mystery.
I had to finish my work and went home afterwards.
I arrived home and began with my stuff. First of all I cleared my apartment, because it was a mess. Then I went to the shower, because I was a mess as well. And then I wanted to start with my university stuff. I had to finish two Assignments and in three weeks, holidays are as good as over. I'm stressing myself right now. Calm down everything step by step. I began to research for my first one. Then two hours later, I cleaned up the study mess and waited for Maddy. Then the doorbell rings. I went to the door and opened it up. 

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