Chapter 18

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Hey guys, this  is a long chapter hope you're enjoying this adventure :)


Allie's POV:

I went straight to my apartment as I arrived. I immediately began to cry and made my way to the shower. Showering is always helping me. I thought about tonight. That night was a crazy one. I had no idea what was happening. But there Roger and I stood. In the night screaming at each other because of what? We were jealous? Was that the answer? And would that mean I felt more for him than I thought? I had so many questions. Is he going to call me? I hope so, I would miss him if he's not. And I would miss all my other new friends as well. It wasn't just Roger. It was everything they gave me. We're all a really good group of friends.
Nevertheless, I would miss Roger the most. All of my thoughts gave me a bad headache. I stepped outside, brushed my teeth and went to bed. 

The next morning my head still aches. But I had a family dinner today. So I have to get up and prepare myself for my whole family.It was my uncle's birthday. That means, everybody would be there. Around sixty people. At least, the food was always good, German food never disappoints. I started to eat my breakfast and tidied up my apartment. I wanted to distract myself from all that Roger stuff. Suddenly my phone rang. Roger? I picked up my phone, "Hello, it's Allie," I said nervously.

"Hey Allie, how are you doing? Wanna go out for lunch today?" To my disappointment, it was Maddy.

"I'm sorry, I can't. My uncle is celebrating his birthday today." I said upset, I really wanted to see her and tell her what happened last night.

"But wait, it's from uncle Adam. You know him and he would be lucky to see you!" I said excitedly.

"Okay, I'm coming with you. I always loved him. I'm on my way to yours. See you," she said and hung up the phone. I sat myself down on the couch and waited for her.

The doorbell rang, that was obviously Maddy. I opened up the door and she stepped inside. Firstly she put all her stuff on my couch.

"Hey Allie, I've missed you so bad," she gave me a hug. We chatted a little bit about what happened the last few days.

"Tell me how was yesterday?" Maddy finally asked excitedly and began to put on her makeup.

"You just waited to ask this question, did you?" I laughed. She smiled and nodded her head. I began to tell her everything that happened last night. It took me a while.

"Wait, you're telling me you kissed a hottie you met that night? And because of that Roger went crazy? He's totally in love with you Allie," she said seriously and looked straight into my eyes.

"My god Maddy, don't start to say that. We're just friends but I guess we're not even that anymore," I said upset and began to brush my eyelashes.

"Allie don't be upset, he's calling you I promise. And if he's not, he's a total asshole. You two are sharing a bond, I can feel that," she said and laid one hand on my tights. Maybe she's right, I can feel a connection to him. But it would make things so difficult, it was nice like it's been before. I dressed up and tried to distract myself. We took a taxi and drove to the party. As we arrived my mother immediately threw her hand enthusiastically over to us. We stepped outside the taxi and stepped into a big old landhouse. It was secluded and had a sea in the backyard, and a golf club of course. My family loves golf.

"Allison mein Schatz, come over. How are you? You're looking great!" She hugged me.

"I'm doing great Mama. I've missed you as well" I gave her a big hug as well. The party was great, I loved my Family. It was always a little bit exhausting, with all of the questions about my love life. Nobody cared about my study's or stuff like that. Since I wasn't in a relationship anymore, my family were too excited about who would be my next boyfriend. My dad wanted an engineer. He was one himself. And my mum just wanted a perfect son in law, who's bringing her flowers and going to brunch with her. Yeah, that's the stuff my family used to love.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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