Boyfriend?! [Little Short]

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A little short that I just decided to write because I watched this video and it fills me with inspiration.

Steven was residing in an office inside a desolate building on Homeworld, keeping himself occupied. What he does know is that two of his enemies were in this building with him, and only one of them was trying to kill him while the other... he prefers not to say. 

"There you are, Stevie!" 

Steven flinched in his chair and grabbed a flashlight to shine it down the hallway in front of his desk chair. He could see the one and only gem who has this infatuation with him, Moonlight. Moonlight's face beamed and grinned like they're best friends.

"When I get my hands on you... you will get SO MUCH hugs from me that you will DIE!" Moonlight grins happily.

Steven discreetly grabbed a rock and threw it down the hall. Moonlight was too busy making hearts in her eyes and daydreaming to notice the rock flying past her head. Moonlight heard the rock crash into something and then she stopped daydreaming.

"Oh, I'll be right back. I just gotta check on something. This won't take long." Moonlight said before disappearing into the dark hall.

"I hope it'll take a long time." Steven said before relaxing on the chair again and then closed his eyes.

Steven heard a slight noise and opened his eyes, only to find Moonlight leaning on the desk and resting her hands on her cheeks to continue to daydream. 

"I found you again. <:)" Moonlight sighs in content. 

"Moonlight?" Steven spoke. "Could you please--"


Steven recognizes that voice anywhere. It's Jasper. Jasper stormed the down the hall and Steven was about to brace himself for a fight, but then Jasper stopped when she saw Moonlight standing in her way of reaching Steven.

"Moonlight, what are you doing?!" Jasper asked.

"I protect my boyfriend!" Moonlight admits shamelessly.

"BOYFRIEND?!?" Jasper exasperates. 

"BOYFRIEND?!?! 0_0" Steven replied the same way as Jasper. 

Jasper sighed. "Moonlight, don't you get it?! Steven's just using you to protect himself! He's NOT your boyfriend!" 

"Oh, YES, he is!" Moonlight put her hands on her hips. "Right, Steven?" 

Steven was silent for a short while before saying, "...yes?" 

"Did her hear that, Jasper?" Moonlight asked mockingly. "Steven said, 'yes.'"

Jasper facepalmed. "You know what? I don't care if Steven is your boyfriend or not. I will kill him! And there's nothing that can stop me!" 

Literally One Second Later:

Jasper has two black eyes.

"Okay, I'm going." Jasper said before leaving.

"Thanks for that." Steven said to Moonlight.

Moonlight sighs. "Finally... we're alone."

Steven didn't understand. "So?" 

Moonlight's eyes turned into soulless black with white dots as pupils and her smile remained unfaltering. Then, Moonlight walked over to them and leaned down, her arms resting on the desk and her hands so close to his, as well as her face was so close to his as well. 

"Oh, I see what you mean." Steven realized. 

Steven's phone rang.

Moonlight growled. "OH, C'MO--"

Steven picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Good afternoon, Steven."

"Um, I don't mean to sound like a smart-mouth, but it's almost six o'clock in the morning." Steven said.  


And then Steven's phone call ended. But he didn't make it public, so he can continue to keep Moonlight at bay. Steven just realized that Moonlight wasn't in front of him anymore, and that she moved to be right behind him. 

Steven looked up at her, still holding his phone to his ear.

Moonlight kept her intimidating eyes as she smiled. "I know that phone call is over..." Then she raises her arms. "IT'S TIME FOR THE HUGGIES!" 

Steven braced himself for intensive bear hugging. 


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