You Can't Hide Secrets From Me [Little Short]

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Warning: MAJOR spoilers to Arkham Edition, a very key plot element is used for this little short and you should have read up until Chapter 56. You have been warned.

This short was inspired by this video:

Context: Rose The Flower goes snooping around in Steven's mind and wishes to unsee something she shouldn't be looking at.

I also changed dialogue text for this short, since it's very short and shouldn't require too much effort.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Rose: Hmm... I wonder what else I can do now? I mean, I've practically done everything in this flesh-bag's body. But I feel like I could do more... Hmm...

She goes looking around his mind, and then finds a cabinet labeled 'secrets.'

Rose: Oh ho ho! Secrets? Well, if there's one thing you should know about me, you can't secrets from me.

She opens the cabinet.

Rose: >:D

[Discord Notification Sound]

Rose: *^*

[Discord Notification Sound Intensifies]

Rose: 0_0


May 5th, 2023. 10:57 PM.

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