The Bet

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It was only supposed to be a stupid bet that got her off my back long enough to forget about it. It all started when she randomly confronted me after I had gotten home from work. I had just finished dinner and sat on our couch with a nice glass of wine. I didn't make much money but enough to pay for my fair share around the house. Yet at the same time, I knew that didn't matter, she made so much more than me as a work-from-home contract lawyer. So much in fact that if my salary disappeared she probably wouldn't notice. I had barely started on my glass of wine when she exited her office and sat down next to me, this wasn't anything uncommon and by no means a red flag. But that's when she started,

"Hey, honey do you like looking at girls in diapers?" It came out of her mouth so sweetly and so unexpectedly. The red rose wine I had just started to sip rocketed from my mouth and across the room landing on the very nice white carpet below.

"Where the hell did that come from sweety?" I asked trying to figure out how she knew while also trying to find a way out of this conversation. Quickly I got up, set my wine down on the coffee table in front of me, and headed into the kitchen where we kept paper towels and other basic supplies that might let me get the wine out of the carpet. I was praying I didn't ruin the carpet otherwise I would never hear the end of it from her. From the kitchen, I could hear a faint clink sound of a glass being set down but quickie dismissed it as her just stealing a sip of my wine.

"Well, it's just that I got on your computer the other day to see if you had any Amazon packages coming and to see if you remembered to order my mom her Christmas present." She began as I reentered the living room.

"That's when I noticed Amazon recommending adult diapers to you, but they weren't the normal kind they were pink and had unicorn prints all over them." She said while watching me try my best to clean up the mess I made on the carpet. And had I looked up abdl diapers on amazon? Yes, but I didn't expect her to go snooping on my computer!! I was beginning to sweat, if she had gone and checked out my search history then I was fucked. I had always been a closet diaper lover, sure I had fantasies of my wife putting me back in pink diapers, of having all my hair laser removed, and even being publicly humiliated in front of her hot successful friends as a diaper-loving sissy girl. But it wasn't like I could tell her that.

"I got no clue honey, I'm sure it's just amazon's algorithm being weird," I said hoping to god that she would let it go. While also giving up on saving the carpet, I quietly got up and went back to the kitchen to throw away the simi-soaked paper towels. Once again I heard what I thought was my wine glass being set down. Very soon I walked back into the living room and sat back down in front of the tv hoping that she would take that answer and leave it alone. And for a little, while that seemed to be the case, I was able to finish my glass of wine along with an episode of yellow stone before she began again.

"Ok, if Amazon is the one at fault then you wouldn't mind making a little bet with me then." She said with a grin stretching across her beautiful face.

"Since there is no way any of that stuff turns you on, all you have to do is not get a boner as I say some things to you. If you can do that then I won't speak of this again, and In fact, I will buy you any gaming device you want." Now that was tempting, not only would she let this conversation die, but I would also be able to purchase a full pc rig.

"But, if for some weird reason you do get a boner and were lying to me, well then you will have to do whatever I say for let's say four months. Sound fair?" That's when I noticed the trap, If I took this and failed I would be at her whim for four months cleaning and doing whatever chores she probably had lined up for me but if I said no deal that would mean that I was practically admitting to lying to her and that I actually did have a diaper fetish. I was trapped. So with only one option left I gambled on my self-control hoping I would be able to ignore her normally horrible pre-bedroom foreplay.

"Sure, your on, just so you know I already know what gaming PC I'm gonna get," I said hoping that by showing some confidence she would back off a little.

"Oh baby, I think your way too little to be playing with a computer, and why would my little girl ever want to play with those yucky boy toys anyways, wouldn't she be better off playing with her barbies and other dolls while all diapered up. Sitting in her little playpen in the middle of the living room where anyone and everyone could see her Out in the open where her little diaper could be seen poking out from under her dress, and anyone could walk up to her and check her." Oh my god, the moment she began I had an erection, and a hard one at that, harder than I think I had ever been before. It could easily be seen pressing hard against my pants and by the way she looked at me I knew she was aware of it. But still, she pressed on slowly putting pressure on it rubbing back and forth.

"Wouldn't she be better off sleeping next to mommy's bed in her little crib, unable to control herself, wetting her pink princess diapers every night only for mommy to change her when she woke up? And instead of going to work she would be brought right next to mommy's office and given tummy time while mommy worked. Then at lunch mommy would feed her, her bottle only then to put her down for a nap ... " She didn't even have to finish her sentence I came. I came so hard that my pants had a wet spot so big that some might have believed I had wet myself if someone told them I had.

I slumped hard into the couch, I lost and both of us knew it, I was just hoping that she wasn't actually going to hold me to the bet, or if she was she would be forgiving.

"Well well miss liar, liar pants on fire, since I won the bet you are gonna spend the next four months living all your dirty fantasies that you decided to never share with me. I hope you enjoy those princess diapers you were looking at because I made sure to buy a very large supply of them for you." She said while reaching under the couch to produce one of those very princess diapers. My eyes could only go wide as I knew I was fucked, and something deep down was telling me I wasn't going to be free from diapers in four months or any time close to that. 

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