Sophie Part Two

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Sophie Part four is now out over on Patreon, if you like this story and want to read it twice a week (Sometimes more) then head over and become a member today!!

Sophie was in shock, every other time she had come home upset with college her mother had given her some space, letting her figure out her feelings herself, then once she was ready she would come downstairs to talk about it. Yet here her mother was, standing in the door way taking pictures of her as she shit herself.

Sophie couldn't stop what was happening, she had to finish, even if she tried to stop she knew that just enough would come out to made things worse for her, finishing was her best option, and so with that realization she pushed, she pushed hard hoping that it would make things go faster and all this would be over soon.

The poopy mush that slid out landed in her awaiting diaper causing the back to get stained brown, that and a very babish smell soon began to waft around her. She knew that the grunting didn't help her case, she was just hoping that her mom would think this was all a phase and let it pass. As soon as she was done pushing everything she had into the seat of her pants Sophie let out a sigh of relife. That is until her mother finally put her phone down and walked up to her unsuspecting daughter cupping the now very saggy diaper with her hand as she squished the contents around.

Sophie let out a yelp as her mother squished her mess, seeming unaware of her daughters bright red cheeks.

"Hmm I think this diaper is well past its limits ... don't you think dear, I think its best we change you into a fresh one!" Her mother said not even batting an eye.

Sophie had always fantasised about something like this happening but never actually expected it to. Or knew what to do for that matter, in all her fantasies she just said yes mommy with a babish lisp and it ended there. Now that it was actually happening she didn't know what to say.

"You don't hate me?" She finally asked as tears ran down her face.

"What of course not dear, I will always love you baby or not." Her mother siad embracing her daughter in a massive hug. Sophie didn't know how to take this, all she could do was cry into her mother's shoulder.

Eventually her tears dried and her mother let her out of her embrace, letting her daughter calm down before beginning the questioning. "How long have you liked this?" She asked trying to be tactful yet at the same time not knowing how to do that at all given the circumstances.

"A while now, I have tried wetting them before, but this was the first time trying the other part." She said sniffing inbetween every four or five words.

"Well I think its adorable, and if your willing I very much want my baby girl back, just know that your gonna be treated exactly like a baby girl." Her mother said sternly but her love showing through.

"Can I actually be a toddler, I still want to walk around" Sophie said trying not to sound ungrateful that her mother didn't just call her a freak and kick her out onto the streets.

"Like potty training and all that?" Her mother asked looking confused as she examined the state of her daughters diaper once more.

"No, not that old, just old enough that I can waddle around, talk real words but super babish, yet still do everything in my diaper." Sophie said trying her best to clear up the misunderstanding.

"Ya we can do that!" Her mother said beaming, happiness radiating from her face as she realized she was getting her baby girl back.

"Twank you mommy," Sophie said as tears once again fell from her eyes, tears of happiness but tears all the same.

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