The Device

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This is not the full story, the full story will be posted on my new Patreon for $1 a month!! 

Tick ... Tock ... Tick ... Tock

The day drug on and on for Sara, her shift at her local Applebee's had started over seven hours ago. And while it was almost closing time Sara couldn't wish for it to be over any more than she did right now.

Tick ... Tock ... Tick ... Tock

"Hey, Sara can you take care of closing the bar up? I gotta head out!" Sara heard her boss ask as she walked out the door, and there went Sara actually getting to leave at closing time. She knew that was probably going to happen, it happened most nights when it was just the two of them manning the bar. But still, it annoyed the living shit out of her when her boss did this.

Tick ... Tock ... Tick ... Tock

Finally, it was eight pm, and Sara could finally lock the doors and close this hell hole up. As she did though she noticed that the door was already locked. Weird she thought to herself as she turned around and began checking all the other doors as well. And again all the doors were locked, the only door that wasn't was the server exit door.

"Did Ashly already lock everything up on her way out?" Sara thought to herself as she wiped down the last of the tables. Not that it really mattered to her, but if some angry customer left a review about how the restaurant was closed before their hours depicted she was not taking the blame.

Then finally the final part of the closing was upon her, the tip out! Normally she was left with around $50 for her portion of the collective tips but tonight she had kept a keen eye out, watching how big the jar was before her boss left. As she skipped over to the jar hoping to at least make one hundred dollars she noticed that the jar was stuffed to the brim! But right in front of it was a note which had something rather peculiar written on it.

"There are twenty thousand dollars in this jar, all of which can be yours, but if you leave this jar here with none of the money taken out then any wish you have will be granted." Sara couldn't believe her sea-sick sort of green eyes, that much cash was just sitting in the jar!? She wanted to reach for it so badly, but the rest of the note was bothering her, could any wish really be possible? Was it worth risking 20,000 dollars to see if it was? Slowly and unsure of herself Sara pulled her hand back and headed for the door, not even bothering to clock out. She had to know if that note was real, and while she might be missing out on 20,000 dollars it's not like the money was actually hers in the first place. Quietly she locked the back door, and headed for her car, hoping and praying that her deepest and darkest desires could finally come to fruition, and with a smile on her face she began her drive home.

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