Ashley Part One

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Ashley Part One

Ashly had always been a diaper lover, or at least for as long as she could remember. Something about them called out to her as if a siren was singing the most enchanting song for the passing sailors. But things had become difficult for her once she entered college, she couldn't just wear diapers all the time, she had to act like the adult everyone expected her to be. So against her deepest desires, she applied to the same college her mother attended. She knew she would be accepted, she had a 3.5 GPA, and overall a good interview.

When the acceptance letter arrived her mother was overjoyed and so was she, this was everything she had been working towards right? Something about this didn't feel right. That night after kissing her mother goodnight she closed her door and slowly walked over to her closet. She reached into her dirty clothes hamper and pulled a baby-printed adult diaper from her stash. It was hard keeping this side of her a secret from everyone she knew, especially when the diapers were so big and arrived in large boxes. But she managed, and up to this point, this hiding spot was good enough to keep unwanted guests out.

Her mother hadn't done her laundry for many years now, something about teaching her the lesson of responsibility or something along those lines. Quickly and efficiently she got undressed and taped the diaper onto herself. After which she climbed into bed snuggling with an old stuffy that she had found in the attic from when she was but a little girl. Quietly she fell asleep sucking her thumb and falling into sweet little dreams. Morning came, fast as the road runner on Sunday cartoons, causing her eyes to be assaulted with the deadly rays of the sun.

With a slight hiss and much pawing at her eyes, she eventually got up untapped her diaper, and returned it to the stash. Then without too much hesitation, she got ready for her day. She had opted out of living on campus, something about the idea of sharing a room with one to two other girls didn't suit her. That and her house was just a few miles from the main campus, so the local tram could get her to her 8 am classes easily. After getting ready, donning a cute pink sweater with black leggings and her long brown hair up in a ponytail, she headed down the stairs where a cup of coffee and her father reading the morning paper awaited her.

She walked by her father without saying a word, and grabbed the cup of coffee, along with the creamer and two cubes of sugar. Stirring both into the steamy wonder she finally made eye contact with her father as she took those few wondrous first sips. Her father and she just nodded to each other sharing some weird language no one else would understand and then both returned to their respective activities. After her cup of coffee was sadly drunk and the cup had been returned to the sink she got her stuff together and headed off to school.

The rest of her day was mostly normal, classes were boring and her teachers all seemed slightly dead inside, from there she ate a packed lunch that her mother always had made for her the day before. After that and her final class ended at 3:50 pm, she was headed home. The ride home was honestly pretty good not many stops and overall an easy and peaceful ride. When it was finally her turn to get off she half-skipped to their home's door and walked right in dropping her bag off at the entrance.

"Mom I'm home" She announced once her bag was set down.

"Weird, mom is normally in the kitchen by now or watching some show on tv, oh well." She thought to herself as she headed up the stair eagerly awaiting her free time of Netflix and diaper time. That's when she saw her mother sitting on her bed with what looked like one of her diapers from her dirty clothes pale. The blood quickly rushed from her face as she made eye contact with her mother, her legs going weak, making it hard for her to take even one step closer.

"Honey care to explain what this is?" Her mother asked her gesturing towards the diaper sitting next to her.

*The rest of this short story series will be uploaded to my Patreon!!*

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