The Study

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College is the time in people's lives when they are supposed to be out partying, studying, and doing things that make them enjoy their youth, but nope, here I am working a dead-end job every night trying my best to make enough money to pay my tuition. Sara was mopping the floor when she felt her phone buzz causing her ass to jiggle. She quickly pulled her phone out and noticed it was an email from her psychology professor with a link to a research study and a little bit of text saying that if she participated, they would cover her tuition.

Sara tapped the link as fast as her fingers would allow, hoping that this was real and not some scam where she would get malware or something of the sort. But just like she hopped she was brought to a page with a header that read, "Study for Tuition Coverage", she couldn't believe her eyes! All the page asked for was her name, phone number, and student id. After that, it said they would contact her by the next day if they believed she was a good candidate for the study. After sighing and realizing that this was normal and helped prove this wasn't a scam, she put her phone back in her pocket and went back to mopping the dirty ass floors.

The next day Sara's phone went off at 7 am, the same time as always but this time she noticed an email sitting in her school outlook, it was from the psychology department and had the subject of "Study Position Open". Sara's heart began to beat insanely fast, her hands shaking making it hard for her to open the email at all. But once she did her mind came to a raging halt. The email practically told her that they would cover her tuition, but she couldn't tell anyone about the study and would require her to submit pictures of herself every three hours. If she was ok with these conditions, she would meet the study director at noon at the depicted location.

Sure, it was weird, but it was definitely worth her tuition getting covered, she could graduate with no debt and maybe even some money saved up. Quickly she got ready and went about her morning classes barely containing her excitement and desire to tell others about the study. Mostly in fear that she would lose her position to them. A few minutes before noon she arrived at the location mentioned in the email but the doors, she found herself in front of didn't open they were locked. No matter how hard she pulled they wouldn't budge.

Oh well, the psychology professor would open the doors once he arrived. But he never came and once she finally started to get upset thinking this whole thing was a ruse she heard the door make an audible click. Quickly she looked at her phone and noticed that it was exactly noon. She slowly reached for the handle and pulled the door open revealing a room with only a table and something pink on the table. As she got closer, she quickly realized what it was!

It was a pink diaper with a note under it. She slowly reached to pick up the diaper and grabbed the note with her other hand. It read as follows,

"The study you have been chosen to participate in is a study that is interested in finding out the effectiveness of diaper training on mental health and grade improvement. If you agree to continue and participate in the study please put the item in question on and exit the room, if anyone notices and asks why you are wearing such an item please respond with any other excuse except for telling them about this study, if you do any money given will be taken back and you will be held accountable. If you put the item in question on your full tuition will be paid in full by the time you leave the room, and any money you have paid to the school will be paid back to you by check. If you wish to not participate, then you may leave the item behind and leave. You will not be contacted again."

Sara couldn't believe her eyes, but no matter how weird this was she needed the money! Quickly she undressed, pulling her pants and panties off, replacing them with the medium-sized diaper that had lay on the table before. Upon further inspection she noticed it had princess prints all across it, reminding her of the pull-ups she wore when she used to wet the bed. Once the diaper was secured and she managed to pull her jeans back into place hoping that no one would notice her ass growing two sizes she left the room. Then almost as if someone was watching her an email arrived.

"A picture is required three hours from now, please make sure the diaper is used, you can accomplish this with urine or feces, but it must be used to stay in the study. Your tuition has been paid and can be checked in the business office, but please remember this study is confidential, you can't talk about any of this with anyone!" Sara read the email quickly and in slight shock but with expectations being met she found her way to the nearest water fountain and began slurping up every drop she could, she knew if she wanted to keep her tuition paid for she was going to have to make this diaper droop.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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