The Blind Date

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After a hard long day, Alexa had finally been worn down to the point that she was willing to sleep in anything, even a diaper if she had to. It all started like any other day, she got up, got dressed, and laid about spending her Saturday doing nothing. Most people her age would have been hammered the night before and just now trying to void the effects of the hangover with water and coffee. But not Alexa, no Alexa wasn't the partying kind of girl or the go out at all type of girl.

But when she got a text from her mother telling her that she had been set up on a blind date she didn't know what to say. Of course, she had been furious at first but she knew her mother meant well by it and what's the harm of getting a free meal and seeing what happens? Who knows maybe she would finally meet someone and stop being a shut-in. Well, that was the hope of her mother anyway.

The date wasn't till 5:30 pm so she had a bit of time to lay about and get ready. But of course, she laid about for too long and ended up falling asleep. By the time she woke up, it was already 4:30 pm and the restaurant was a 20-minute drive away. By the time she had gotten ready and sped to the restaurant, it was 5:35 pm. When she got to the front door of the restaurant she noticed that it was a super fancy red carpet sort of restaurant. Not only had she not worn the appropriate attire she didn't even know what her date's last name was to get in.

But even without that, she figured that she might be able to explain the situation to the host, and maybe they would help her out. But the moment she walked in and looked around a man was sitting on a red leather bench that was up against the wall to the right of her. He was wearing a black tux with a red tie and a white undershirt. When he looked her way he immediately smiled and stood up. He had white skin with just enough tan that it didn't look like someone who stayed in all day. He had dirty blond hair that spiked up in the front, hazelnut-colored eyes, and perfect teeth.

The moment he was up he walked right over to Alexa and began talking. "You must be Alexa! I have heard so many good things about you. My name is Max I've been exhilarated to meet you." He said with a sort of electricity that just drew you into him. His smile gave off this promise that told you everything was alright.

"Ah, yes that's me, sorry about being late." Alexa managed to get out sheepishly. When her mother had told her about the blind date she figured she would find a 5 maybe a 6 waiting for her. But to find a 10 that belonged more in a twilight movie than real life, well she didn't know what to say. She needed to have her mother set her up more often if this didn't work out. But god did she want this to work, suddenly feeling awful about being late.

"No problem at all, I don't mind waiting for you. Now, how about we go and eat?" He said with a tone that made you just want to agree and go along with it as long as he was in charge. The rest of the night went without issue. It went very well, she did admit that she was late due to oversleeping but he just laughed and told her she was fine. Then when things finally began to wrap up and he made the move on her, she didn't resist.

Needless to say, she made it to fourth base that night. Then after everything was over and they were in his hotel room, that's when he began to speak. "Tonight has been lovely, and I can really see us going farther than a one-night stand ... I just have one requirement." He said causing Alexa's heat to flutter.

"Yes?" She said not even thinking about what it might be. She had just had the night of her life, and now she was hearing that it could last forever. She was willing to do just about anything at this moment to make that happen.

"I like my mates to wear diapers and act like toddlers around me." He said this without a single hiccup or falter in his voice. Then before Alexa could speak he continued on.

"I know what sounds like, I just like taking care of someone and there is no better way to do that than by taking care of a toddler. If you want to say no I completely understand." He said finally giving Alexa a chance to think.

"I had an amazing night tonight and want that to continue so I am willing to try it." She said with a bit of a shaky voice but not with much hesitation.

"I am so glad to hear that, then considering your willing, how about we start now!" As soon as he said that he walked over to the nightstand drawer and pulled out a girl's nighttime pull-up. He then proceeded to put it on her with very little assistance from Alexa. Then once she was only in a diaper and a t-shirt he picked her up and laid her down on the bed.

"Goodnight baby, you're going to love tomorrow I got so much planned. We are even going to see your mother." He said as he began grabbing clothes from a dresser as Alexa slowly fell asleep. But what she didn't see was the giant baby diaper and pink crotch snap overalls he laid down on the bed next to her. And as she finally fell asleep that's when he pulled out the stroller and began setting it up. Tomorrow was certainly going to be an interesting day for both of them.

Tell me if you want more of this or if you want this to become a mini to full series.

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