Mia's Photo Shoot

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As Mia looked up she couldn't help but grimace as camera flashes filled her vision. Why had she agreed to take this job? Was she really that hard-pressed on cash that she needed to stoop to this level for money?

The answer was yes. Mia had a horrendous gambling problem and she knew it. But she never made a bet she couldn't pay right then and there. So while she had lost money she was never in debt. The only problem was when she lost her entire bank account balance at once. But hey she was only a week out from getting paid, nothing she couldn't just wait for. But then just like you would expect her car broke down. Now not only was her ride to work gone but also her ride to free food, and pretty much every other part of her life.

So when she found a flyer looking for models she couldn't run fast enough at the offer. Eager to get herself out of her situation, and who knows maybe get famous. Maybe she should have gotten suspicious when they wouldn't tell her what she would be modeling. But that didn't matter to Mia when they told her how much she would be making if she signed a five-year contract with them. All it required was twelve photoshoots a year. After that, the thoughts about what they could possibly have her modeling left her mind quicker than a summer breeze.

After all the paperwork was signed and she was guaranteed work for the next five years they clued her in on what she would be modeling. At first, she thought she could refuse but that was quickly shot down by the lawyers. They showed her the papers she had just signed. Explaining that If she had bothered to read them she may have noticed that she was giving up her rights to her attire choices for the period of employment. Or she may have noticed the fact that she was also giving up her eating and drinking rights as well. How this was legal she didn't know but they assured her that any lawyer she took this to wouldn't be able to help her. Along with that, she would have to pay any damages the company took while she refused to model for them. So long to any of her ideas about drinking her problems away. The company didn't like the idea of toddlers drinking.

As she looked up at the camera as the last few shots were taken and the shoot slowly came to an end a woman representative dressed up in a fancy suit approached her.

"How are you holding up sweety?" The woman asked as if she was dealing with a toddler.

"Now I know this is all new to you but I wanted to let you know that your next shoot is on the 12th and that all your shipments will be arriving at your new living quarters later today." She said before Mia could even take a breath.

"Now as you know your clothing for each day will be decided before you even wake up, but all you need to do is walk over to your closet where the selected outfit will be waiting for you. We then expect you to post a photo or video of yourself in that outfit to at least three different social media sights. After that the day is yours. All your diapers are outfitted with a special locking mechanism that can only be undone on the provided changing tables." The woman continued without taking a breath.

"When you notice that you need your diaper changed all you have to do is lay on one of the tables dotted about your new house and the machine will take care of the rest. Now we haven't chosen any clothes for you today so what you're currently wearing will have to suffice. A car outfitted with the best car seat will be waiting for you outside. I will take you over there in a stroller of your choice in a second, first we need to check the state of that diaper little misy." As the woman slowly reached down to check Mia's diaper, Mia began to think about how long the next five years were truly going to be, and with that, a low "pissssss" sound could be heard throughout the studio.      

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