Chapter 216

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216. Hero (4)

Team leader Lee Dae-hyung felt Martin's sharp expression make his hands sweaty. If there were no major problems, in fact, even if there were some problems, appearing in 'Heroes' would benefit Do-wook unconditionally.

It was another matter for KK to be a world-famous idol group and for Do-wook to truly become a world-class actor.

Team leader Lee Dae-hyung looked at Martin's expression. Martin was both an old man and a virtuoso. Even though he looks like an ordinary old man when he passes by, the world he built, called Heroes, was never easy.

Of course, team leader Lee Dae-hyung also had a few things that bothered him, but it was very difficult to say them without hesitation in front of Martin, the creator. It was because he couldn't do anything wrong.

"There are several reasons...."

"Which one?"

He said there were not just one, but several, so Sarah asked quickly.

"David's mother works as a cashier at a Korean town mart, and his father works as a cleaning worker at David's university. He came to America for his studies."

"That's right. Americans are well aware that Koreans have an enormous passion for education. Thanks to that, there are many Koreans at prestigious universities such as the Ivy League. I was deeply impressed by the story of Choi's father. He said that he worked as a manager while starving himself for Choi."

At Do-wook's words, Sara explained the background of the setting.

"Yes. The story of David's family is understandable enough... In order not to betray his parents' sacrifice and expectations, David becomes a person who only knows how to study. He is also an introverted and passive person."

Martin nodded. Do-wook's interpretation of the character was accurate. And the character David, drawn by Martin, was all convincing from the background to the present. Considering that the heroes of <Heroes> have their own human agony, it was convincing in its own way as a setting given to the first Korean-American immigrant child character. But that was the problem.

'Americans' thought of Koreans... they are so the same.'

Although it was obvious that he had been thinking and researching in his own way, in the end, the image of an Asian that Westerners think was inherent. The part of meeting Billion Man, receiving the latest mask, and growing up while doing hero activities could actually be interpreted from the perspective of Western supremacy.

'I can't thank you for not reminding me of Koreans during the Korean War.'

Do-wook thought and continued.

"Of course, other heroes have flaws and struggles. But an introverted and passive personality study bug. I think that this only fixes the prejudice against Koreans or the negative image of reality."

Martin's expression darkened.

"If such an ordinary, universal character becomes a hero and changes, wouldn't that be meaningful as it is?"

Sarah objected.

"Of course. But the idea that introverted and passive characters are universal in Korea... I don't like it."

Dowook said with a serious expression. Sarah shuts up thinking she made a mistake.

"Actually, this part may be what I'm asking for too much. But..."

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