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Harlem,New York
JAN 1 2023

Jayla was currently on her way to the deli she was hungry asf, as she proceeded to open the door and smile at the man behind the register she went to grab a pack of Doritos and Fanta and + more.

She was standing up against the freezer on her phone as she looked up she saw these two men eyeing her, she decided to ignore it.

She payed for her snacks and left, she started to walk back to her apartment when she noticed the two men following her again. She should have just turned around and started walking but instead she said ' why you following me for?' And then the two men ran up to hard and thrown milk all over her head it was dripping from her hair. Her outfit was soaked.

All she could do was just cry and she started to walk to ddots house, she need comfort from being milk for no reason , or she thought no reason , she rang ddot to tell him what had happened and that she was coming over.

She knocked on his door and was greeted by him.

"Who did this ma"

"These two men"

"Do you know what they look like" he said pushing me inside.

"No they had masked on and they where following me, but one of them looked like that boy who hangs round the deli everyday" she said still crying.

"Go take a shower ma, imm sort this and be back"

He walked to the living and started to ring dd and the gang. And he did that Jayla got some of ddot clothes and went to take a shower.

She got out and did her skincare and got dressed and went into ddots room to go to sleep, she felt the bed sink in next to her.

"It's been sorted ma"

"Thank you d"

"I love you ma if anything like this happens tell me"

"I love you too"

And they both went sleep.


𝟯𝟱𝟮 words
Ok this was kinda rushed and I don't really like it but

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