chapter seventeen

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Here lies the rune of a once and forgotten city. Where magic was banned and knights of the round table have been seated. The days of happy memories, and of tragic events. The time of love, and sorrow, for the once and future king lays sleeping.

As Merlin closed his journal, he sighed and tried to think of everything that had happened. He was glad for Gwen and that she was back, but he couldn't hide his feelings for Arthur. He was destined to save and protect him, but he wanted more than his destiny. He wanted to be there for Arthur the way that he feels. But, Merlin will not get in between Gwen and Arthur. At most, him and Arthur will pretend that what they, whatever they had, was nothing. But, deep inside his heart he knew that he will always have Arthur in a special place inside his torn and broken heart where no one can get to it. Not even himself.

Arthur was reliving his time with Gwen. All the happy memories, and the bad ones. Looking at her, he sees something in them that he doesn't recognize. Not really sadness, but close to it, mixed with something else. "Hello! How are you all doing?" Gawain walks in and tries to ease up the tension of the room. "Hello Gawain. Are the others with you all? I thought that if you where here, then my brother will be here too, or was I wrong?" Gwen looks at him hoping that her brother will be walking through the door right then. "I'm sorry, but I haven't seen them. I just followed this weird light to this place and found you." Arthur still looking off in some different planet, is finally snapped back to attention when food was in his face. "What is this? Where's all the meat, and potatoes?" Merlin looks at him and sighs. "Are you saying I'm fat? I am not FAT!" Arthur yells the last word, making Gawain roll over with laughter. "No, you're not fat, you are just big boned." Merlin says shyly, making Gwen giggle at Arthur's face turning red. "Merlin, have I ever told you what a good, kind, caring friend you are? I haven't, why that's not right. Let me show you how much I care." Crashing through the living room, Arthur has Merlin in a head lock, with Gawain on the floor complaining about his ass hurting and Gwen perching on the counter trying to stay out of range. 

"What happened here?" Astrina comes down from the stairs picking up Gawain from the floor, looking at Gwen for an answer. "Merlin called Arthur fat." Nodding understanding exactly what happened, plucked Merlin out of Arthur's hands, sitting out on the couch waiting for them to stop the childish behavior. "It wasn't my fault, talk to Merlin. He started it." Pouting at her trying to make her take his side. "It's dark, both of you go to bed now. I don't wanna hear it! Go to bed. NOW!" Astrina shoos them off, turning around to glare at the other two. 

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