Chapter two

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Morgana's POV

Darkness. The dimension that holds me is full of terrors, much the likes of me. The earth has started to shift uneasily under my feet. My time is almost here! All Arthur has to do is walk into the world. Then I can be free! When I get out of here, I can finally kill Emrys once and for all. The crack becomes bigger,almost big enough so I could slip through. If I do that though then I will never be able to reek my pain onto the ones that deserve it. Waiting is not one of my strong virtues, but I have waited long enough. A thousand years roughly. Emrys won't escape this time. The earth opens with a thundering crack, and all I could thing was

"I'm coming for you brother."

Merlin's POV

"Rise and shine, sleepy head." I whisper in his ear. Arthur groans and rolls over.

"Five more minutes! "

I shake the sofa to jostle him awake, but no movement. I sigh, "I don't want to do this, but you leave me no choice." I flip the sofa, and-


"Merlin! I was having a very pleasant dream!" Arthur complained trying to hold back what, laughter? No, couldn't be,if he knows what I am, then he should want to kill me. I slump back in a chair and Arthur looks at me annoyed. Yep definitely annoyed on his face. I look at the floor, wall, anything but him.

"Where am I?" Arthur demands. "My house. Here, eat. " I throw the bag of poptarts at him and he looks at it.

"What. Is. This?" asks as he flips the bag around looking at it questionably.

"It's a pop tart. They're really good." I reply dryly. Arthur opens the bag is if it's going to attack him.

"Here, you are going to need new clothes." I recall as I see him in his rusted chainmail and ripped up, dirty tunic.

"What is wrong with it?" Arthur asks.

"It's the year 2014." I reply waiting for something to go flying around the room.

"No, we're in Camelot, and you are just dressed funny." Arthur trying to not loose the last bit of sanity he has.

"Arthur, look around you, is this really Camelot? Look outside the window, it doesn't look like the place that you and I once called home." I say filled with pain trying to make him understand. Arthur looks out the window and sees cars, and buildings, then he turns back to take in the room that he was standing in. A television, microwave, and furniture that was never in Camelot.

Arthur's POV

I look at Merlin, I see a big rectangular box that has what Merlin calls a' remote' to it, and it flips through moving pictures as if you're there watching at a distance. Something rings in the room, I look around to see what it is; Merlin pulls out a rectangular box and starts as he calls it typing a message on it.

"This is the work of magic." I say with found confidence. Merlin slowly shakes his head no and grins at my answer.

"Why is it not magic? Then what is it Merlin, if you're so smart and have all the answers." I couldn't help the sarcasm leaking into my voice. He sighs as if I am a child but explains to me that people built these things over the thousand years that I was gone as he puts it. I don't understand a lick of what is being said to me, and decide to just go with it.

"Then how are you still young looking?" My curiosity getting the better of me, not that I minded Merlin still young looking, I actually liked that he at least didn't change.

Of course, Merlin answers with no hesitation. I look at him and all he does is look back pleading with his eyes to not hate him. How could I hate Merlin? He is my friend, I would never hate him. Even with him being a sorcerer.

"Merlin-" I start, but he runs so he doesn't hear the rest. I sigh, tired, did he really think that I hate him for whatever reason that he could come up with? I guess I better go after him.

Morgana's POV

Arthur is out in the new world. I must stop him before he finds Merlin. Merlin, I loathe him. Always making my life harder. Obviously, my clothes are not the usual attire anymore. Merlin the most powerful sorcerer in the world, and he is my destiny and my doom. Soon Merlin, we will see who is more powerful. Especially after I take away your precious Arthur.

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