Chapter thirty two

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+Morgana's POV+

"Morguse, we need to make our army to fight against Emrys. He is no one to underestimate, I can assure you this. " I pace throughout the room, trying to come up with a sure way of at least stopping him for a little while to be able to get our men ready. "Do not worry. I have it all figured out. We will first strike at the softest part of Arthur's heart. Gwen. He has always loved her." she smiles while relaxing in her chair. "No. We don't need her involved. She will be just get in the way." shaking my head while standing behind my sister. "You care for her. Still after all this time. Even though she was the one that took your throne. Your crown. Why? Because at one point she was your maid, your friend? She is not that. I bet that she is feeding us false information as we speak." Morguse whispers, grabbing my arm tightly, looking at me firmly trying to get this idea out if my head. "Your'e right. She is the enemy, but for now we should let her fall back in love with Arthur, and him her." 

"Mistress, I'm sorry to bother you, but you have a visitor. She said that if I gave you this, you would know who I speak of." the maid scurries away after speaking and giving me the one thing that could make me happy, seeing my old friend. Asthiusa. "You are here, my friend. It has been too long. I've missed you terribly." tears fell from my eyes as she walks over to me. "I hope that you will grace me with your voice, Lady Morgana. I wish to speak of terms concerning Arthur Pendragon, and Emrys. It occurs to me, you will need help with destroying the pitiful children. I will grant you one wish, but, there will be something that I want in return Morgana. I will not tell you when I want it, but when the time comes, are you must give me what I ask. Are you sure that you can do that?" The woman smirks as she looks at me. "Sister, what should I do? What do I say?" I ask her, I hope she gives me good advice on this. "Take this chance, but please be wise in what you say. This woman is not all she makes her self out to be. She has power, be careful." 

What do I want to get off my back? She says that she will give it to me, but for a price. I don't even know what that price is. How am I to deal with this? "I wish to have an army. They must be strong enough to kill Emrys and Arthur. They have to be controlled by my voice. No other." Raising my voice so she can hear me. "As you wish." the woman disappeared leaving me with Morguse alone until the fleet of warriors popped up out of thin air. "Lets begin boys."


+Merlin's POV+

"What the hell are you two doing?" standing right in front of me, were the two biggest idiots in the world. Arthur and Lancelot. Slowly Arthur walks up to me. Looking at him, I can see the sweat glisten on his forearms and barely exposed chest. "We were looking for our clumsy little sorcerer. Because he tends to get into a grave that was dug too deep." Arthur states. 

"I need to go find a person. Are you going to follow me?"

"Who are we going to find?"

"A woman named Camila. She can help us greatly." 

"You needed me, Emrys? Ah, I know. You wanted me to help you."

Camila appears to my right, making Arthur become startled. She had on a flowing dress on, in blues and purples. Smiling at them, Camila begins to call up the knights. Suddenly, Leon, Percival, everyone was back. "You will need them if you will have a possible chance in winning this war. Please, win Emrys. The fate of the world rests on you. Morgana has her army. Now you shall have yours when the battle begins. All the magic of the earth will be your soldiers, never stop believing in all of you. If even one of you doubts himself, you will fall. Emrys, you are a child of earth, sea, and sky. They will be with you. Win this for us all." Camila walks away with tears in her eyes, knowing that they have a slim chance this time of winning. 

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