Chapter Twenty eight

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+ Merlin's POV +

I can't stop thinking that we are going to fail this time. Looking at Arthur's face as he sleeps calms me. There's just something about his innocent face that is peaceful. I hope I answered those questions right. I remember the anger Morgana had, well has. I know there is still good in her, I know her. She wouldn't take the death of us easily, even if she is the one trying to kill us. I don't even know it would be right to take Lancelot and Arthur to The Gate of Avalon. The She aren't all that friendly. But I must know more about this, I can't let Arthur die this time. He needs to stay alive, for the good of the land. Arthur is the Once and Future King. 

Fireflies buzz around my head and our camp. They play with the visions that my magic. Swirling in the night air, I get up and leave the camp to go and find the item that will make us successful in the future. Leaving them most of the supplies, I walk away from my long time friends. Time to find the Jem of Wisdom. Walking for hours, and finally miles away from Arthur and Lancelot, I begin to miss them terribly. What if their not safe? What if they are hurt? The only thing that I can do is move farther from them, loosing the excitement and motivation to go on. 

*Maybe I should go back, they may be worried. Arthur may need me....* 

*No, you can't let them get in the way of what you must do. If we are to finally put an end to the horror that Morgana will call upon, I must not drag Arthur into it. Besides Lancelot will protect Arthur.*

*What if Arthur needs your help? Maybe they both were captured and you weren't there to save them.*

*Just keep walking, they are perfectly fine. I hope....*

+Arthur's POV+

"Arthur, Arthur! Wake up! I can see why Merlin had a hard time getting you up in Camelot. You sleep like a log!" Lancelot says throwing a spoon in my direction. "Hey! Watch were you throw that thing! You could have hit me!" 

"That was the idea.Now up!" Lance says. Looking around, I see the supplies except one bag. Merlin's. "Lance, where is Merlin?  Do you know? That idiot! He left us! Damn it." falling back onto the ground, sighing , trying to understand why Merlin would up and leave?

*Maybe I have said something to him that he took offense. I make him angry with me! Great. Now the one person that I truly care about is angry with me. What the hell did I say? *

*No, I couldn't have said something that would have offended him..... right? He would tell me if so. Merlin could be hurt. He could be dying right now and I won't be there to help him. I need to find him and make sure that he is okay.*

"Lancelot. We need to go and find Merlin. He could be hurt." I say standing up too quickly just to fall back down. "Merlin can take care of himself, or do you care for the well being of him that much?" Lancelot grins while elbowing me in the side. 'I'm just concern for him because you know how clumsy he is and the idiot will find trouble when he doesn't need it." trying to defend my actions while hiding a blush.

*Why am I blushing? This is Merlin, he is just my friend. what's wrong with feeling concerned for a friend? *

*Because you don't see him as just a friend. You care about him.*

*I care about all my friends, and don't you start thinking like that. Merlin is just my friend! Who are you to say differently?*

*I'm you. You are arguing with yourself. don't deny your feelings. it's not healthy.*

*I'm not you are just twisting it around and making it sound like i love Merlin.* 

*You said it not me.*

* You are me!!!!! Why am I having an argument with myself anyways?*

*Just stop denying your true feelings you dollop-head!*

"Hey! Were you even listening Arthur? Or were you daydreaming? I said if you didn't here me, we should try and find our little magic friend." Lance is already on his feet with his bag and mine. "Yeah definitely." rising to go and get my bag , we head out to find Merlin, that clot-pole.


Hey you guys and gals, tell me what you think , i enjoy hearing from you all! have a good day and enjoy this chapter. If any of you have any questions ask away! i will answer them as soon as possible. 

Love to all,   the author!!!!  

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