Chapter ten

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Morgana looks into the crystal clear pool of water, and is staring at Emrys as his lighting strikes Mordred dead. The sky becomes red with black underlying in the clouds. "Mordred! You will be avenged for this wrong doing." Morgana cries into the stormy night.

Morgana wakes with sweat trickling down her face. The shy child walks in and looks at her mistress with worry. "Child, don't you worry about me. Just another bad dream." Morgana reassures her. "No, it was a vision of Mordred's death. I can tell, after all Morgana we've been through." The shy girl replied with a firm look in her eyes. "Yes, your right. We've been through a lot, haven't we? I'm sorry. I don't feel up to leaving my chambers today."

"Of course, mistress. You don't have to explain to me." The girl walks out of her chambers, only to have a small, almost unnoticed grin on her face. The crazy bitch. Morgana thought as she looked at her wall. The shy girl wasn't afraid of Mordred as he lashed out that day. What was wrong with that one?


Reliania looks at Merlin as if he was going to do something. She didn't know what, but then why would he have the look of a person that was making a plan? "Okay, Merlin I'm going to find out what I can about were Morgana is." Astrina states as all eyes fall on her. "No,you're not. I forbid you to find her." Merlin commands. Astrina just rolls her eyes and sighs. "Well, if Arthur is here, then Morgana is here too. Along with that bipolar hothead named Mordred. You know that we must find them. They're probably already found each other by now." Standing up, she walks to her room and locks the door. "Astrina has a point, I maybe new to this world, but she knows that we need to find them. She knows the risks. She will do this either if you want her to or not." Arthur sits down in front of Merlin, who gives him a cold look at thinking that Astrina should go and find the witch. Slamming his hand down in a commanding force, Merlin glares at them both. "I said she will not be going out to her death. Is that clear?" Silence fills the room after his calm voice cuts deep into them both, holding a power that neither of them could comprehend. "Any other ideas besides that one?" Merlin, softening his voice, not trying to scare them anymore. "We could just wait for the others to get here, I am pretty sure that if we are here, then they will be too." Arthur, deep in thought breaks the silence once more. 

Reliania steps out of the conversation, going up to Astrina. The only thing that she could hear before she left was Arthur sighing and Merlin saying that he can't use that in the plan to stop her. Astrina lets her in, fuming at what Merlin said. "How does he think we could win without at least one risk or two?" Astrina pulls at her hair, waving her hands, stomping around her room. "He will find a way. You must trust him, he has never failed you before, why do you think that he will now?"

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