Chapter thirty

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+Third POV+

Our brave warlock travels to seek out the one person that will have what is of great need to make sure Arthur wins the fight. All the while, Mordred travels to the same place as well. He travels with only a handful of men, but they are very capable knights. Most of the men have killed others for their own accord. Merlin travels farther away from home and his friends. Arthur and Lancelot are off trying to find him, but are having no luck. Merlin finds himself to the place that he needs to be at. The waves curve up the shore gently, bringing him back to the days of Freya and the She. "I seek an audience with your King." Merlin's voice carries out through the lake. "Yes, what does a human want with me and my kingdom? speak your name. Quickly." the tiny blue man says, holding his staff high. "My name is Emrys. I have come to ask of you will grant me with your mighty power when the time comes for the moment I wish to have use of it." Merlin stands tall as he speaks of what he is risking. "I will want something in return. You know this, I will allow this use of our magic when you call for it. But when I ask for what I want, will you give it to me? You will not go back on what I ask?" the She flutters his wings with this being said from his unmerciful body. "Yes. You have my word as a creature of the Old Religion." With this, Merlin walks away and the She closes the Gate again sealing the deal that was struck. 

Mordred and his knights stumble upon Merlin, who was just leaving the Lake of Avalon. Hiding in the bushes to not be seen by him. Slowly Mordred emerges to walk to the lake shore, "Mordred, i must ask. Have you forgotten that you used to be a knight of Camelot, or do you still remember the way that Arthur loved you like a brother? I hope that you haven't forgot. It would disappoint me more than anything. " Merlin turns to face him, with a tear in his eye. "Arthur is no friend of mine. He lied to me, I trusted him and what does he do? He kills the only woman that I have and will forever love." 

"Arthur gave her a chance to tell of her crime and he would have let her go Mordred. I was in the throne room that day. She wouldn't have any of it. By the laws Arthur was unfortunately burdened with this. I know your pain, Mordred. I have loved a woman. Her name was Freya, I loved her even though she was cursed by a witch. Arthur killed her when she was in her beast state, I loved her. I still love her, i took her here, to the place that she told me about. I gave her a burial fit for a King. Mordred, Arthur killed the one I loved, but I don't blame him. He already has to deal with so much pain. Mordred, Arthur has always and still thinks of you as his friend. He never wanted her to die."

"Lies. He killed her just to be cruel! Arthur is a heartless King! He is not worthy of the throne-"

"And Morgana is? She has killed men for fun, tortured women and men just to get her hands on the crown. Think of who is really the enemy Mordred. I don't want Arthur to have to face a friend again."

Merlin throws magic in the air and plays the memory of Arthur in the throne room, with all the court watching his movements, waiting for him to say yay or nay to the girl that stands before him. 'Please, all you have to do is say one thing, and i will let you go.' Arthur whispers to her, trying to get her to say that she was wrong. 'You can not make me say that it was wrong to not try and kill you, you who have killed and hunted me and my family.' Arthur bows his head, 'You leave me no choice, you are to be executed tomorrow at high noon.' Arthur slams his chamber door and hangs his head.'All she had to do was say she was wrong. I would have let her live if only she said that. Why would she throw her life away?I hope Mordred knows that I didn't want this. I didn't want any of this.'

The memory ends with Mordred crying and fallen to the ground in shame. "Arthur really did give her the chance..."  With this, Merlin leaves the lake and begins to walk back to his friends, it will be a days journey, but he will walk the whole way. Night falls on the day, sending the world into a deep slumber.

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