chapter twenty five

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Unknown POV

I have been watching them for a while, but I couldn't get close with Merlin's magic protecting them. I have to wait until they move again. It is almost morning, and Arthur has been awake this whole night,even with the magic.

'What is wrong with him? He knows that the magic would protect them all, he should have taken Merlin's advice and slept. Anyone can see that he needed to. I might as well eat something. Time to move, I need to find Mordred and se what he is up to.'

* * * * * * *

I walk up to Mordred's camp. I must be careful, Mordred could be trying to find Merlin and the others. I know that Mordred has Agri on his side, but maybe I can coax the others to go against him. They all don't seem too loyal, they're here for power and money.

"We need to go. We must reach the Crystal Caves in time to see the future. Hurry up everyone!"

Hmm, so, Mordred plans to go the Caves to see the future. Fool, it shows you what you want to see, but then again, it could still come to pass. I just hope that he doesn't see something that could destroy Merlin and stop Arthur dead in his tracks. I must go and warn Merlin! Still, what could Mordred be planning?

* * * * * * *

Hey all of you. I know, it is a short chapter, but I wonder who is the unknown character? Trust me, more will be in the next chapter. filled with more of my plot and more characters that we haven't seen in my past chapters. I hope that all of you have a lovely day, and / or a lovely night. Thank all of you for reading, but we are close to the end, maybe.

In the Next LifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant