chapter twenty one

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Morgana's POV
I can finally get word from Gwen on my big brother and Emrys. I need to know what they plan on doing. I walk around aimlessly until a knock on my door startled me. "Come in." I snap, I've become very antsy since I found out that they have found each other. "Miss, a letter from your spy. Also, Mordred sends out a patrol to the crystal cave. He told me to inform you, Mistress." a maid holds out the letter and bows quickly then leaves. I rip open the letter from my little Gwen.

' Merlin and Arthur are seen together in the park with a mysterious man. I didn't get to see his face, but I now that Merlin is travelling with them off somewhere. I will follow and find out more,
long live the high priestess.


So, Emrys you plan to go off to an unknown place? Well, now, Emrys we shall see what the fates have in store for you and your precious king.

Unknown POV

I've been watching them for a while. they are in grave danger and they will need help. I must help them when Morgana strikes at their weakest moment. Morgana gets stronger as the days pass, as she becomes more and more human. More real. Right now she is only a half of what she will become. She must not come to full power. Emrys you are in peril, too much of your strength will be tested. As well as your loyalty to us. I have to go, or they will spot me, and we shall meet, but not today. Until then, Emrys, the most powerful of us all.

Mordred's POV
I have been marching with my men for a few hours now. Just a few days and we shall be at the crystal caves to find out what is to come to pass. I have been trekking this land for the markings that will lead us to the place of magic , but so far, I have just been led farther and farther into the lands and uncharted places. Finally! I see it. The marking that was made so long ago by me. I close my eyes and whisper the words that will light our way. I feel my eyes change from their green to a golden yellow. I smile with satisfaction as I see the trail lift up.
"This way men, we shall be mostly there by night fall hopefully. Lets get a move on!" I walk far and now half way into the woods I stop to set up camp fo the night. Soon, we shall claim victory over the cruel king, Arthur Pendragon.
I swallow hard as I remember my love, and how she was executed by him. I slip my hand around the necklace that I had made for her, as a present. I was to give it to her after I made my way back to my home.
A tear falls from my eyes, and a wipe it fiercely away. Only now as I look at it, I see the memory that I put into the stone that was suppose to be around her neck. One of me and her, playing as children, laughing and useing our magic to make beautiful images to make us both smile and laugh. Then one of her laughing as I made images of love and silly things to just hear her laughter one last time before I left. 'I will always be will you, my love. '

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