Chapter nine

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Merlin and Astrina are in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Soft music is playing in the back ground. The sweet, gentle, harmony with the melody working together in a way that soothes the soul. Arthur walks in and looks at Astrina as she sings the song while Merlin pretends to play an instrument. "Morning, what are you doing Merlin?" Arthur looks at Merlin with a questioning glance. "Well, Astrina was singing the song and I was pretending to play the guitar. Why are you looking at me like that?" Merlin cocks his head to the side. Astrina looks at Arthur worried that her Dragon with try to kill him again. "Sorry, Astrina I was being brash in my decision to hate you. I beg for you to forgive me for acting like a childish prat." Lowering his head in shame, Astrina steps to him and raises Arthur's face and smiles warmly. "Arthur, thank you." Astrina says with tears swelling up in her eyes. Reliania looks at Arthur then to Astrina as she walks in and growls loudly at Astrina. "Morning, Astrina, Arthur." Arthur bows his head and Reliania ignores him. They eat and Astrina feels a burning sensation in her chest. Gasping for air, Merlin's eyes turn into liquid gold. Astrina sighs and looks up, "Morgana has tried to take over my mind. She has become too powerful." All you can hear in the distance was the shrieking  laughter of a person that sent fear into their heart's. Morgana Pendragon. 

"Did any of hear that, or was that just me?" Arthur asks, looking at them wildly. "If you mean the terrifying laughter, nope, you're not alone in that." Astrina shrinks behind Merlin. Arthur stands in the corner of the room, waiting for whoever made the horrific sound to show themselves. "Where are you? Why are you tormenting me? Please, just leave them alone! Stop this." Merlin grabs his head trying to get rid of the voice. His eyes turn yellow-gold, then glass shatters all around them. Astrina hides away from Merlin's sudden outburst, while Arthur tries to calm him down, getting cut by glass in the process. Shaking Merlin by the shoulders, Merlin breaks down and tears fill in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, I swear. I'm so sorry." 

Astrina drags Arthur away from the broken man, "Arthur. I'm sorry you had to see that. He normally tries to hide this. He has been having issues dealing with all he has lived through, give it some time, he'll come back around." The only thing Arthur could do was look at the man that has always been by his side, and pity him.  

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