chapter twenty three

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Lancelot's POV
I have been watching them talk and joke around. It is like the old Times when we were in Camelot and with Gwaine, Leon, Percival, and the others. I miss all of them, I wish they could see Merlin and how much he has changed but, still the same goofy guy that we all know. I can't help but wonder at what Merlin has become. He is more of the leader than what he was before. Arthur is now the lost child that must be protected, and Merlin acts like his light in the dark night. I have noticed the many lives that he has lived, but still holds the same face.
"We should get some rest. We need to be getting up early in the morning to start the journey again." I say, already walking to my tent. This will be a long trip, and hopefully we can find whatever we are looking for. I put my head down to sleep, and with in a few minutes my eyes shut and I drift off.

Arthur's POV
I look around and it was just me and Merlin, Lancelot fell asleep long ago. "You should sleep Merlin, I'll watch over the camp." I say, looking around to see the magic still floating around.
"I will watch over you both. My magic should keep us all safe. Never the less, I will take first watch, you need to sleep more than I." Merlin states calmly. I shake my head and nod in the direction of his tent and Merlin just gets up and goes to lay down. I highly doubt that he will sleep, but thus reminds me of old times. Me, Merlin, Lancelot, the others all on a trip of some sort, and I take watch. Like I always did. I would watch over them all and make sure that they slept and were safe.
'What am I going to do? Morgana is coming closer and I don't know what to do. I have been reunited with Gwen, but, I have lost the love that I felt for her somehow. I am becoming even more protective of Merlin, but is that love? I don't know what to think any more. I'm completely lost and I hope that what ever Merlin is trying to find, will help me find myself too. One thing a will never forget what Gwen said to me once, Merlin and I are two sides of the same coin. It fits us perfectly, Merlin, born with magic, and I, born of it. He has shown me that it can be the most beautiful and awestruck wonder, not the burning hate and agony filled creature that I for so long have been told.'
I look around again and Merlin's magic is dancing brighter, and the memories are stronger, more vivid than before. The night sky soars with the image of a Dragon and Merlin speaking to him. This was the night of the fire rained down upon Camelot. Merlin controlled the Dragon and made it leave. As soon as the image came, the sooner it left, I now see the lake, and a girl. Merlin is crying, and he lays her down on the shore. She looks at the lake, and whispers to Merlin, " You remembered. Thank you, Merlin."
The girl dies in his arms and he makes a burial for her. Merlin decorated the boat in flowers of many bright colors and beautiful greenery. He sets the boat out into the lake.

The image changes again, and it now is one of me, with the sword in the stone. Then again and again until it holds one of an old man, walking by a lake, breathes in,and walks on by, with only one clue that it was Merlin, he had a single tear trickle down his cheek.

Flabbergasted by what I have just witnessed, I watch more of the images as they show his life and of the druids and what they did for him, and of what he did for them. The pictures changed and now I'm looking at a room, the room is full of all of my home. My kingdom. Books lining the shelves, all Gaius's. A wooden Dragon, and my shield that had Camelot's crest up in it, looking newly polished, hanging up on the wall. Then, the vision ends with all neatly in place, with the door closing and being hidden with magic. Morning is almost upon us, Maybe I should get the others up.

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