chapter eighteen

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Merlin's POV
Fire raises into the sky and blinds me. I try to breathe, but smoke runs into my lungs causing me to cough and sputter. Fighting, my eyes are filled with the clashing of the swords, and the burning hatred in one's eyes. The screams became surreal, I look around frantically for Arthur, but he is nowhere to be seen. Just as I was about to give up, I see him. Riding upon a solid white horse with his chain mail and cape of Camelot red flowing behind him. Still holding Excalibur high in his hand, looking down at the field of blood and death.
"For the love of Camelot! " Arthur cries out and charges down upon the enemies line. Destroying all in his path. Morgana, smiles as she watches her brother murders her infinite numbers of men. Slowly, Arthur makes his way up to his sister, the one that he shared so many happy memories with and had caused him too much pain.
"It doesn't have like this Morgana, please. Come home, and all will be forgiven. Just come home." He pleads with her, trying to make the fighting, blood spilling acts that are happening cease.
"Never, my big brother. I will be queen of Camelot, and you shall bow before me, or be sentenced to death." She smiles and blasts Arthur with her magic, but all too late, I stand and jump in front of him, taking the shot. and fall back in the rocks. I grunt, but shake it off. "Morgana, your crimes are unforgivable. You deserve death, but, if I give that to you, you will be getting off easy. Goodbye, Morgana. I forgive you for all that has. happened." I say with pain in my heart. I raise my hand and speak the ancient tongue I know all too well. As I say them, Morgana screams out a spell into the direcrion of Arthur, and hits him with a fiery crackle in the chest.

I gasp as I try to forget the vision. Looking around, I go and find Arthur sleeping on the sofa. Sighing in relief, I go to get me some water and try to calm my shuttering nerves.
I look at the clock, confirming that it is five thirty in the morning. I walk into a room that I have stacked with my old life. I never go into this room. Because I already know what my old life held, and it pained me to relive the memories that where of love and heartache. I walk into the room. it doesn't have a door knob, because it was sealed with my own magic. I mutter the words of my time, and the door cringed as she opened. I breathe in the smell of Camelot, my home. Looking around, I find Gaius's books of being the court physician for many years. A single tear falls as I remember the man that helped and raised me. walking farther, I find my old clothes, with this, I remember the first time I first met Arthur Pendragon. The legendary Prince of the most famous castle in all the lands. I smile as I look at the Dragon craved out of wood. It was the only thing my real father had given me. It was a craving of not just any Dragon, it was one of the great one himself. I look up, hoping to see his mighty wings fly over me, but to my miss fortune, all a saw was a ceiling that trapped these hopes and dreams of happiness inside.

"What are you doing?" Arthur asks as I turn around staring into his eyes, "Remembering the time of myth and time of magic. Where a boy would turn to man, and hold the most powerful destiny of all. Of the once and future king to rise and defend his lands once more in Camelot's greatest time of need." I say, speaking of the destiny that was made centuries ago, long before my time even started. Arthur stood there silent and staring into the room. I turn back to focus on my collection. "All of this is, for what Merlin? To save the world, to save the land that was long ago forgotten? What do I even stand for anymore? My time is long gone, and I'm in a time that is nothing like what I miss. I stand for nothing." Arthur says hanging his head down in defeat. "You stand for what is true and right in this world, you have not lost your way, you just took a detour. I have waited many centuries for you to come and claim what was yours. Now, you are here and you want to give it all up. Gwen is here, Gwaine is here, we are just waiting for the others to find their way here. You speak of having nothing, I lived for years passed what I was supposed to, I have even believed that I was here, and that you were mocking me, not coming back to just watch me hurt and walk passed the lake every single day, waiting for something that won't come to pass. After many years, the lake dried out, and then man built a park there. I walked in the park, the same way that I walked by the lake, waiting. I had nothing Arthur, you didn't watch them die. After you died, the Saxons came and destroyed Camelot. We tried to fight time off, but they were better, they came two days after your death. I was gone off and wasn't able to protect them. I saw the flames and rushed over, and when I did, I was appalled at the sight. I had to see them. I had to try and get the survivors out. even the new knights that didn't know you personally, told me to leave them, because they wanted to fight for you......" I screamed at Arthur, but at the end of my rant, I wasn't able to breathe. It hurt too much to watch him give up when all I have been doing was fighting. Fighting to keep all of this not just a legend, to make sure that it stays real, at least for me.
"Merlin, I. ....." Arthur started, but I cut him off. "No, Arthur. you don't get to stop fighting. If I've been fighting for this long, and not given up, you could at least do me the courtesy of doing the same. And if not for me, then for all that fought with you and for the ones that will always come back to help you defend what is yours. If you loose faith, then we are all doomed." I say, staring into his blue eyes. "I will never give up. Not now, not ever. I'm sorry Merlin that I wasn't there. I wanted to be so badly, but I just couldn't fight the poison anymore. I'm sorry that I've failed you." With this, Arthur walked out of the room and shut the door gently behind him.

Morgana's POV
I wake and shake from the chilling vision of the battle field. Emrys. He must be stopped. But how? Every step he makes, I'm one ,two steps behind it feels like. I still have the memories of when he poisoned me. of when he blasted his magic at me. It scared me, and now it frightens me to know that he will stop at nothing to save Arthur. Nothing will get in his way ever again. Shuttering as I try to come up with a sound proof plan to destroy him so that Camelot and the world will be mine.

I could use his love for Arthur against him. He respects and follows him to the every ends of the world if Arthur would ask it of him.
A maid comes in with my breakfast and laces me up in my dress. I look around the room. I find a small metal bracelet that my loving sister gave me, to get rid of the horrid dreams. Soon I will meet with you again my sister. Soon we shall be reunited once more to take down Arthur and Emrys.

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