*¬*Chapter Two*¬*

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Landing firmly on the ground, in his court I push myself away from Kazimir. My stomach is extremely unhappy with me and I barely have time to turn before I'm heaving. My hair is being pulled back from my face and his voice states from above me, "It's alright, everyone's first time folding makes them sick. You'll get used to it once you learn the skill."

Wiping the vomit from my mouth, I stand and shove his hand away, "I'm sorry what? Folding? What is that?" Kazimir stares at me, his eyes taking me in appraising me. "That is a discussion for a later time. For now, you are to head to your room and sleep. We will reconvene tomorrow for breakfast. I'll send Arrow in to wake you up."

He places his hands behind his back, and begins to walk away. Blinking at his retreating figure, I heave my bag over my shoulder again then trail after him. Taking in my surroundings.

The palace is what I expected it to be, shades of black, dark red and silver. The exterior has a main gate that's made of iron. It's like those old-wrought iron gates I always read about in fantasy books, big and imposing. The tops of the metal spires end in spaded tips.

Beyond the gates is obsidian cobblestones, leading towards a large palace, with three large towers. There's stain glassed windows on the upper levels, and huge windows on the lower level. The palace itself is made of dark stone with some exposed brick. There's a porch and some balconies on the upper levels. The palace is huge, unending. The land surrounding it is surprisingly nice, trees, grass, the sound of birds chirping. But there's still a stillness to it, a lack of something.

Catching up to Kazimir I ask, "Who's Arrow?" He replies without stopping, "The servant I've assigned to you. She will take care of you while you're a guest here." I hate the word servant, but I keep my mouth shut.

I take in the surroundings some more, marking all exits and entrances, any advantage points to this building. Anything that I could use in case I needed to flee. Upon entering the gates, we are greeted by what I assume is a butler. The male bows to Kazimir, "Good evening Lord Morningsong. I assume the travel was pleasant enough?" Kazimir nods, "It was fine, thank you Tam." Tam bows once more, then looks at me, his eyes a dark brown and pale skin, along with brown hair. He doesn't look much older than me, but who knows with High Fae, they age differently. While my mother explained that I was born to High fae status, I was not gifted with the immortality that they were. Which means that I age like a human does. I hate that I have that difference, but no one ever treated me like less than because of it.

I also haven't had any inkling of magic or power over the years, it's still dormant. Sighing, I give Tam a brief nod before following after his High Lord. Upon entering the palace, Kazimir turns to me and states, "You room is on the second floor, third door to the left. All that you need is waiting for you there. I'll see you in the morning."

Then he turns and disappears down the hallway. "Rude. I don't even know my way around this godforsaken place." Grumbling, I walk up the stairs till I reach the second level, then proceed to the third door on the left. Opening it, I take in the room.

It lacks colour and vibrancy. The shades in here are varing shades of silver, dark blue and black. The walls are painted a dark blue with silver trim, the bed is black iron with silver bedding. The comfortor is also silver with black stitching and small blue flowers embroidered into it. The pillows are black. The desk, chair, and nightstand are a dark silver with black knobs. Everything in this room just feels depressing.

The large window in my room, leads to a balcony, at least that's one similarity that this room has to my old one. The curtains are white. The only shade of white in here.

Placing my duffle bag on the bed, I open the large glass doors that lead to the balcony and step out into the night.

Everything smells wrong. It's more earthy tones here than at home. At home I smelled spring and sweets, here I smell pine and bergamot. It's more spice than sugar. I've been staring off at the property before me when I hear a creaking from behind me. Without turning around I call out, "It's rude to sneak up on someone."

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