Rules for Pet Sitting

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Pet sitting is a lot different then house or babysitting. Animals are quite unique and you can never quite tell what their thinking and for good reason. Regardless of where you pet sit and when, these rules will still remain the same. Just try to remain sane at the end of the night.

1. When entering the house of said pet, do not leave until until the owner returns. The real owner.

2. If the eyes of the animal go white, run to a room with no windows and preferably no mirrors. Lock the door and do not come out until the scratching at the door has stopped. Trust me, the whatever it is behind that door, is fine.

3. If you value your sanity you must give the pet two treats. No more no less.

4. If you are good to said pet they may protect you later, be nice.

5. Do not mention the owner around the animal in the owners absence.

6. Do not say things such as "good dog" or "nice kitty" while around the pet. We do not want them to become self aware.

7. Occasionally during the night you may not be able to find said pet. Do not worry about it, they will return soon.

8. If you hear scratching at the door at 2:00 in the morning, that is not the pet. Do not let them in.

9. If the animal is larger and you have to let them outside, just watch them. Do not let your eyes off of them.

10. If the pet can go outside then they may return covered in blood. Simply just wash them off if this happens.

11. Feed them the special food on the third shelf in the pantry. This food and treats only are the only food they should be receiving.

12. If the fur apart need you falls to off important and it's forget cannot run you bathroom to.


1r4. No

Truly and unfortunately yours ~[Redacted]

Peel your skin off.

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