Rules for the night shift

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Unfortunately, welcome to the nightshift. Many visitors come to visit around the time sun sets and their not kind to those that are like you. Fortunately, we have a handy dandy book guide to help you survive the night. If you find rules are distorted or are corrupted in any way shape or form, do not follow them, I repeat, do not follow them. Recently it seems they have become more and more clever on how to seem more and more similar to that of a human. For my sake and yours, I can only hope this is as far as they can and want to go.

Before you begin I would just like to say, welcome to the nightshift! Things are standardly real quiet around here and we have our rules and regulations to keep it that way. This is for the safety of you, our other staff, and our visitors. Mind you that the visitors do not liked to be looked at- they are very self conscious. Also do not speak around them for if they know you have a voice they will go into a state of... well let's just say that they wouldn't be very happy. Now as of recent we have been losing a lot of employees due to the uh, lack of reading and comprehending the rules so for your better understanding we have created a new set of rules that need to be followed down to the syllables. Now that that's out of the way, let's begin.

1. When first opening you must run behind your desk and stay there unless a customer has trouble. Your desk or cubicle may offer some form of protection.

2. When addressing a customer do not speak ever unless told otherwise in the rule book.

3. Keep your area very tidy. The day staff don't like to deal with such messes and you do not want to get on their bad side.

4. It's Ill advised you bring food into the office. The visitors often get quite the appetite and when they get hungry they won't just eat your snacks.

5. There are certain sets of customers with certain sets of instructions. Those will be as listed.

5.A. This entity is referred to as Petunia. She is an elderly woman and while she is blind, her hearing is the greatest amongst any of the visitors here. If she needs help simply lead her to where she needs to go or be. It is very important you do not speak to any of the visitors. Especially petunia.

5.B. A man and his son will walk in the store. They are the ones that appear the most human out of all the visitors. The father will always require the frozen meat in the back. Grab it and give it to him without saying a word. Offer a piece of candy to his child. When they get to the door this is one of few times you may verbally say goodbye.

5.C. Occasionally the clowns from the nearby circus like to come in. When they do, do not make eye contact and do not move. If they start causing a ruckus, alert your shift manager who is located in the back.

5.D. The shadow entity. As far as we know, this is a red level threat entity. He causes extreme nausea and paranoia once he enters the door. If he comes in, shriek. This should catch him off guard. Turn on the flood lights which is the red button behind your desk and run to your managers office. Do not worry about the other visitors, they should be fine. The shadow entity should not return for another couples months if you follow this step correctly.

6. If you see entities wondering outside of the store but never coming in, alert your shift manager. These are solicitors. It's important during this time that you do not leave your office or work space. There is no reason for you to, these entities are quite troublesome, but nothing your shift manager hasn't dealt with before.

7. Occasionally your work laptop may begin to omit static and a high pitched ringing noise. Throw the laptop as hard as you can on the ground and go get Benjamin, the on shift tech guy. He'll know what to do after. He's located behind the blue door with the numbers 112116119

8. If there is ever a spill or something ever of the sort do not touch the substance. Get the janitor Bobby. He's located behind the green door with the numbers 114113118

9. If one of the visitors starts to get very angry at you then go get your shift manager immediately. You may be fired for poor customer service, but it's better then what they would have done to you.

10. Remember your name in here.

11. Remember the time you came in at.

12. Remember the sun, remember the warmth.

13. Please do not eat any of the candy in the please take one bowl.

14. Come talk two me. I am in iyle for :).

15. Occasionally there will be a very loud banging coming from within your managers office. You may not get them at this time. If you have a problem while the banging is present then you are screwed.

16. I get real board riting these rules sometimes. You shod visit me in iyle 4.

17. Ignore the headaches. Always stay on alert.

18. Your shift ends at 13:97 [EASTERN TIME]. It is safe to leave your desk at this time. Always be watching the clock. Sometimes it likes to play tricks.

19. When you lock up, make sure the manager has left before you.

20. U hav two go? I am sad. But we wil c u tomorow :).

Yours truly~ [REDACTED]

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