The aquarium (EMPLOYEE MANUAL)

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1. When you enter, make sure you clock in. As you are working the first quarter of the day, (12:00 am to 6:00 am) please use the correct stamp of your clock-in slip. If you do this incorrectly the janitor will not be able to tell whether or not you actually work here, pray it will be sudden.

2. Make sure to feed the fish at the appointed times of 1:37 am, 3:00 am (only one fish needs to be fed at this time, the one with pentagrams branded all over it, it changes forms each day, but it cannot get rid of the pentagrams, thank god), and 5:12 am. You will have 10 minutes to feed all the appointed fish, after that their hunger will become unbearable and remember, not all of our marine life are confined only to the water.

3. If any of our guests have a insistent staring problem, use your company issued phone to call the number: [R E D A C T E D] and our janitor will be there shortly to... kindly kick them out, yeah... yeah, we'll go with that.

4. Make sure you are nice to the guests. You are an employee, and therefore a representative of the company!

5. If the fish stop moving head to the water filter room and pump the green liquid into the main tank, and take the pill lying on the table in the break room (it will always be your favorite color). If the water color changes, you messed up and those fish are expensive, so it's coming out of your pay! (And maybe your insides.)

6. If the water is one of the following colors: purple, red, orange or undefined (pray it's not that last one, the mortal mind was not meant to see such a thing, at least it's one of the fastest ways out of this hell) you need to book it to the water filter room and fix the abnormality.

7. If all the fish disappear, vanish, etc, then that wailing in your ears is not your paranoia and I would recommend stabbing your eyes out with one of our high-quality official company pencils (Corporate demanded that I made the self-promotion.) It will not save you, but you won't have to gaze upon the pure embodiment of evil that with one glance will have you volunteering to clean the inside of the tank of our most blood thirsty fish to relax.

8. If anyone of our guests get mad, refer them to HR (just point in a random direction) and sprint in the opposite direction, stay away from the general area you pointed at until the janitor is called.

             Extra rules

1.When you clock out, don't think about anything you saw today and go home.

2.When you quit (hopefully you won't, but somethings are unavoidable) we will give you pills to forget what you saw here. They are mandatory.

3. There are only 3 other people working with you, your phone shows the positions and pulses of all your colleagues, don't fall for the fakes.

Yours truly, [REDACTED]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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