Chapter Two

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This is really just a filler chapter. It lets you get to know Nychole and her friends a little bit better.

I woke up groaning because the son was beaming on my face. I tried to burry myself back into the covers but then I had to pee. Bad. Irritated I threw the covers off of my body before rolling out of my bed. I slid my feet into my slippers and shuffled over to my bathroom.

After our freshman year and me and Brielle having sleepovers just about every night we decided we might as well get an apartment together next year. Its now out senior year of college and we have moved into a bigger and better apartment.

We were soul sisters. I have never bonded with someone the way I did with Brielle. Hell we even got soulsisters tatted in each others hand writing after knowing eachother for like six months. What I tell yall... BITCH WE LOCKED IN AIN NO SWITCHING UP.

After doing my morning routine I walked out to the kitchen. I pulled some stuff out the fridge to make breakfast. Brielle eats Texas Toast and cornbread with damn near every meal so I decided that I would make her some.

I make some cornbread muffins, bacon, sausage, waffles, and all the good stuff.

Eventually she walks out of her room with Casey in tow behind her. Brielle had on her usual sports bra and Nike pros with her hair in a messy bun. Casey had on one of Brielle's fat ass t-shirts. I smiled at the sight of them saying good morning.

I really hoped this one worked out for Brielle, she was just as much as a hopeless romantic as me and she hadn't had the best track record with love. I'll never forget almost whooping her ex girlfriend ass in our dorm. Casey sat on Brielle's lap as I handed them two plates.

"Soooooo what did yall two love birds get into last night?" I asked shoving some eggs into my mouth. "Nothing they said in union" smiling at each other. "Just watched movies and fell asleep honestly" Brielle said with a huge genuine smile.

Seeing her happy made my heart smile. She asked about the bartender from last night. I waved her off not even bothering to mention that he gave me his number. I highly doubt I would hit him up. Maybe if I got bored enough but I rarely got that bored... I finished cleaning up the kitchen while Brielle and Casey watched Modern Family. I sighed realizing it was Sunday. I went into my room knowing I would have to go to class the next day. I decided to finished up some assignments and took a nap.

I awoke to the smell of food. I went in the kitchen to see Brielle and Casey cooking pasta. I guess Casey would stay around for awhile. I didnt mind her staying. It would let me be able to read her a little bit better. Brielle had a thing for mentally Ill bitches and hoes with smart mouths and stank ass attitudes. Casey seemed to be a sweet heart but something was still off about her ass. Even though I had only known shawty for a day my intuition was never wrong.

I walked in the kitchen pouring a glass of wine. We sat at the kitchen island laughing about various stories from all of me and Brielles various college adventures. There was a slight knock on the door which made me look at it. I went and peered out the peep hole to see jada.

One day me and Brielle decided to go to the liquor store our freshman year and we met jada because we sat and waited since they wanted to randomly start IDing. Ultimately we ended up getting taylor port and that be came our bestie. Our trio was inseparable and we rap together. We write songs on and post them on Tik tok in our bunny balaclava mask. We had about two million followers. Basically we were those girls. TikTok girlies loved making transitions with our music and stuff.

Jada conveniently lived right next door. She walked in saying hey with a bottle of tequila. We laughed and welcomed her in. We chilled for the rest of the night. Eventually I decided to go to sleep.

Ima try to start leaving y'all lil notes at the bottom of this shit. Excuse my grammar n shit I'm just now getting back into writing but I wanted to start it off wit my baby daddy.
Sorry for the short chapters I'm tryna get the ideas flowing. I don't plan ahead I just write whatever comes to mind fr
Love you pookie

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