Chapter Seven

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Not gone lie... this chapter is short as hell. I was feeling to many emotions tryna write this shit so I just cut the chapter off early. TRIGGER MF WARNING SLIGHT MENTION OF SELF HARM. anyways. Enjoy my babies

Nychole's Pov:
Brielle walked into our apartment and let out a huge gasp. Me and Brielle were the same height so when I looked up from my phone to see what caused her to gasp all I saw was her fat ass head. She was frozen in the door way so I pushed her into the apartment so I could get in. When I walked in the living room was decorated with pink and red hearts everywhere.

Casey came from around the corner holding a bouquet of flowers smiling. "Brielle, I know we haven't known each other for long but I really like you and I was wondering.... Would you be my girlfriend?" Casey said smiling. "HELL YES!" Brielle exclaimed engulfing Casey into a huge hug. "Nychole knew about this the whole time" casey said giggling. "YOU KNEW AND DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING" I let a small smile form on my face.

"Well you lovely ladies enjoy your night" I say genuinely before walking to my room.

Once I got to my room I sighed and shut the door putting my air pods in. I turned on the noise canceling mode. I felt the sadness creeping in from the corners of my body. I decided to take a shower and relax for a little bit. Played summer walker singing along gently to Smartwater. I washed up and finished up my night time routine.

I got out the shower throwing on some sweat pants and a tank top. I sighed again before flopping into my bed feeling myself sink into my bed. I felt the overall feeling of loneliness weigh on my chest as if someone was sitting on me.

I feel like a horrible person for not being happy that my best friend has found someone who seems to truly loves and appreciates her. Guilt and sadness play in my body as I lay there.  The overwhelming fear of never finding love or being appreciated makes me being to cry. My entire life I have never been enough. I was never desired or seen at attractive and it broke me. Now it's up to me to put on this façade to seem like a confident person when in the back of my head I feel meek and small. I will never be enough and I will never find genuine love. Who hurt you by Daniel Caesar plays gently in my ears. I laugh at the name of the song because who wasn't? I think most importantly I've hurt myself.

I give my all for my heart to continuously be broken. What did I do to deserve this pain. What did I do to never be recipient of the love that I give into the world. I sigh reaching into my nightstand where I keep some of my pre-rolls. I look and see the blade there. I thought about it. I miss the pain that brought me comfort. I grab a blunt and a lighter. I light the blunt pulling my knees up to my chest silently crying. The tears streamed down my face as I exhaled the smoke.

I felt the weed start to control my brain. I just felt numb.

Brielle's POV:

I walk into our apartment amazed by what was before my eyes. The apartment was decorated beautifully. Casey came from around the corner in a pretty red dress with her locs pulled into a cute style. She was so beautiful.

"Brielle, I know we haven't known each other for long but I really like you and I was wondering.... Would you be my girlfriend?" Casey said smiling. "HELL YES!" I exclaimed engulfing Casey into a huge hug. "Nychole knew about this the whole time" casey said giggling. "YOU KNEW AND DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING" I looked at her with a look of pure shock on my face. She wore a small smile and shrugged her shoulders. She walked away to her room telling us to have fun. But I could tell something in her demeanor had changed.

I wasn't too worried about it she would be ight. I turned back to Casey placing a huge kiss on her lips. We smiled in between kisses rocking back and forth slowly in the living room. We danced to music like an old couple in a movie.

"I got all the stuff to make chicken alfredo and cookies" Casey said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the kitchen. I got all excited doing a little happy dance. I go in the freezer because I know its mainly filled with my texas toast. I preheat the oven getting the rest of the stuff for us to cook.

After awhile we finish cooking. I decided to ask nychole if she wanted to eat something. We had only ate earlier today at market Friday and Stokeley ate most of her food. I went and knocked on her door. She didn't answer it so I just assumed she had her airpods in. She could never hear anyway. I opened the door and im greeted by the smell of weed. I look on her night stand and see a lil ass roach left over. Nychole is in her bed knocked out with her music playing. I tucked her into her blanket and left a kiss on her forehead before closing her door and heading out.

Me and casey chilled for the rest of the night before falling asleep cuddled up in my bed. I think I love her already.

Short asf I know. But aweee aren't bri and Casey so cute. Disgustingly cute imo. Bloop let's see what happens next. You are never alone🫶🏾. Love YA hugs and kisses MWAH

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