Chapter 27

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By the time everyone had woken up they had around three hours left on the flight. I was slightly hung over but I knew everyone else was probably ten times worse. I was sitting lounging around scrolling through instagram. Finally Brielle woke up after all she was the last person that we were waiting for. We all sat eating breakfast talking about the most random shit. "So Nychole would you really have a kid like as soon as yall got married?" Ski asks me before shoving damn near an entire waffle in his mouth. My body slighly tenses up at the thought of children. Its just a serious conversation that me and Jah need to have. I nod my head and shrug my shoulders. "Yea I guess so. I didn't realize I really wanted any kids till recently." Jah's fingers trailed on my spine gently as he leans in and kisses my cheek. I hate hiding anything from him but im just nervous to say anything. I make eye contact with Kire and the way she is looking at me lets me know that she knows I haven't told to Jah about it.

"Well we only got like an hour left on this flight. Ima go make sure we got all our shit together" I say with a tight lipped smile excusing myself. I sat on the edge of the bed gnawing on the inside of my cheek. I felt my eyes start to burn letting me know I was on the verge of tears. I let out an exasperated gasp before getting myself together.

Kire walks in the room and sits down next to me pulling me into a hug. "Awe stinkabutt you okay?" she asks me. I nod my head. "I just feel like im so much less of a woman. I know Jah wants a big family and he might not be able to get that from me. Im scared he is going to leave me for a woman who can give him that." I say shaking my head obviously flustered. "He loves you. I don't think he would do that and if he does I have no problem killing him." She says seriously while holding my hands in hers. I giggle at her remark and im starting to feel better. "You do need to tell him though." She says quietly. "I know, I will soon." i reply to her. She hugs me one last time before walking out the room. I pack the rest of me and Jah's stuff up into our bags before heading out the room.

We land shortly after and are greeted by our driver and a new sprinter buss. We all get loaded up on the buss before heading to the villa that we got. We pull up and are greeted by the staff. The island is beautiful. Im honestly surprised that ski and jah were able to plan this themselves. You know how men be, mama cleo probably helped. I skip into the villa and we are greeted with a huge charcoochie board laid out on the table.

I open up my camera and begin to record for my YouTube. I definitely don't want to only focus on recording while we are here though. I need to be present and here in the moment. I decided that my relationship is my relationship. I got that dirty hoe Geneva out the way after beating her ass. Anyone else got something they wanna say they can honestly eat a dick. Jah doesn't know but I plan on letting him post us as im going to post him in this vlog AS MY MF HUSBAND. THAT'S MY MF MAN.

Everyone settled into rooms and me and Jah got this nice lil romantic ass suite. I shower and begin to get ready for the day of festivities that were planned. When I got out the shower I began to do my makeup. I was wearing this red two piece set with ruffles on it. Jah came in with his locs braided back looking daddyish as fuck. "ZAYUMMMMMMMM ZADDY LEMME GET A PIECE OF YOU" I say to him barking at him looking through the mirror I was sitting in front of. He walks behind me gently kissing my temple. I smile at him. I feel so hopelessly in love. The hopeless romantic in me is finally satisfied.

I finish up my makeup and styling my hair just as everyone else finishes getting ready to go out to dinner. We were going to a nice restaurant to all have dinner together. I get Brielle to take pictures of me and Jah. I quickly posted one on my story and tagged him before turning my notifications for instagram off. I let out a shaky breath which made Jah rub my back and ask if I was okay. "Better than ever with you" I say pecking his cheek and leaving a red kissy lip on his cheek.

"This shit is cute as fuck" he says taking a picture of my lips on his cheek. He opens his instagram to hella notifications. "damn vro what is a nigga going viral for now?" He says making me bite my lip out of nervousness. He drops his arms to his side and slowly turns to look at me. I freeze and my eyes go wide because I was terrified that this wasn't what he wanted. He walks up to me with his eyes low. He grabs my throat in the most panty soaking way while he stares in my eyes. "You're mine. I will always let them know that you are mine. You belong to me and I belong to you. I love you." He says with his lips softly grazing mine as he talked. We shared a deep passionate kiss that was greeted with whoops and cheers from everyone in the room. "I love you more" I whisper as we break away from each other. We walk outside the house and gather in the sprinter van. We joke around freestyling and being childish. I make some TikTok's and before we know it we at the restaurant.

The restaurant was dimly lit, with a warm and intimate atmosphere. We were led to a long table adorned with flickering candles and fresh flowers. The scent of delicious food wafted through the air, teasing our senses. The anticipation of a great night hung in the atmosphere, and the excitement among us was palpable.

As we settled into our seats, the conversation flowed effortlessly, blending laughter and joy. I couldn't help but steal glances at Jah, my heart swelling with love. The Instagram post seemed to have sparked an electric connection between us, making me feel even more secure in our bond.

The menu arrived, and we engaged in a lively discussion about our preferences. The waiter recommended some local delicacies, and we decided to go for a mix of those and familiar favorites. Throughout dinner, Jah and I exchanged smiles and shared private moments, as if the world around us faded into the background.

As the night progressed, our group enjoyed the culinary delights, the flowing conversations, and occasional toasts to friendship and love. I couldn't shake the feeling of contentment, realizing that this trip wasn't just about the beautiful island or the grand gestures but about the shared moments and connections.

After indulging in a delicious dessert, Jah proposed a toast. "To love, to friendship, and to unforgettable moments," he declared, raising his glass. The clinking of glasses echoed through the restaurant as we all joined in the toast.

The night continued with music and dancing at a local hotspot. The rhythmic beats of the music enveloped us, and we let loose on the dance floor. The worries that had briefly clouded my mind earlier in the day were pushed aside by the sheer joy of the moment.

As the night wound down, we piled back into the sprinter van, tired but happy. The air was filled with a mix of laughter and subdued conversations, a clear sign of a day well spent. Back at the villa, we dispersed to our respective rooms, looking forward to the adventures that awaited us in the coming days.

Alone in the suite with Jah, I couldn't help but reflect on the day. The vulnerability I had felt earlier was replaced by a sense of empowerment. I realized that our love was strong enough to withstand any challenges, and the public acknowledgment only solidified our commitment to each other.

As we lay in bed, Jah pulled me close, and we whispered sweet nothings in the quiet night. The island breeze gently rustled the curtains, and the distant sound of waves provided a soothing lullaby. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of Jah's embrace, I knew that this trip was not just a vacation but a celebration of love, friendship, and the beautiful journey we were embarking on to


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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