Chapter 12

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This song is underrated as fuck. Play this song as you read the chapter and as you read you are gonna peep why. Also bitch I DOUBLE UPDATED! Feeling: over my writers block and accomplished.

Jahseh POV:

I sit upstairs after Nychole left. A part of me wanted to chase after her but fuck her if she wanna leave she can leave. I start throwing shit in my room. "FUCKIN BITCH" I yell swiping shit off of my desk. I punch a hole in the wall before sitting down on my floor balling my fist up. After calming down I walk down stairs to look for nychole.

"AYE STOKE!" I yell once I reach the bottom of the steps. He walks up to me with a bottle of Hennessy and low red eyes. "WASSUP VROOOOO!" He says with a goofy ass grin. "Vro where is Nychole" I asked slightly irritated with him cuz he was fucked up. He shrugged his shoulders and put the blunt in my mouth. I hit the blunt and walked off with it sitting down on the couch. I don't even know what the fuck I did to make her even leave. I sigh smoking and fiddling with my hair. "You think nychole like me?" I ask Stokeley. "Aye vro you feeling her?" He asks me with a sly smile. I shrug my shoulders and sit back. Sinking into the couch. What ever the fuck ski was smoking was strong asf. As I relaxed into the couch I sank into my thoughts. I hated feeling anything.

Nychole Pov:

I walk around the store grabbing the stuff to make dinner. Jah was heavy on mind when I was considering what to make for dinner. I grabbed enough steaks for everyone that would be over for dinner tonight. I grabbed some potatoes and stuff to make dessert. Im grabbing eggs and butter when this skinny light skin girl with curly hair bumps into me hard as fuck. I stand up to look at her cuz that was rude as hell. She scoffs and looks at me laughing.

"Bitch is something funny? Cuz I wanna laugh too" I say putting the stuff in my shopping cart looking at her. "Yea bitch you are a fucking joke" she says putting her hand on her hips. I laugh and continue putting shit in my cart. "Scary ass hoe. You ain't bout shit" she says with an attitude. I silently chuckle to myself because this bitch got me FUCKED up. I feel my eye twitch knowing that she was finna piss me off. "Bitch I don't even know yo ass" I spit at her. "Bitch please just stay away from my nigga" she says walking away.

I finish shopping and walk over to the checkout. The situation kept replaying in my mind because one WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU. TWO WHO THE FUCK IS YO NIGGA... Like bitch you are irrelevant. I shake my head and continue checking out my shit before walking out. After loading everything into my car I get in turning the music up. "I KNOW GIRLS LOVE BEYONCÉ GIRLS LOVE TO FUCK WITH YO CONSCIOUS" I yell singing along. I was feeling this on some real level shit. I just feel like Jahseh is playing with my emotions and I don't fuck with it at all. Like what the fuck do you mean ew we look like a couple, BUT YOU WAS JUST KISSING ME. I rolled my eyes and continued driving and singing along to whatever songs were playing.

I pulled back up to their condo and sighed trying to mentally prepare myself to walk into this bitch. I knocked at the door with my hands full of bags to greet a Jahseh that was clearly high as fuck. He just stood in the door way which was starting to piss me off. "Are you gonna take a fucking bag or just stand there looking fucking stoopid?" I ask with an attitude. He blinks and grabs a bag and walking to the kitchen. I follow behind him and place the bags on the counter. I wash my hands and I feel two strong arms wrap around me and a head laid on my shoulder. I shrug Jah off and keep cooking. I gotta distance myself before my feelings develop anymore than they already have. I start seasoning the meat and cutting the potatoes.

"Damn bae you cooking me steak?" Jah asks sitting on the counter. "AHT AHT! GET YO DIRTY ASS OFF MY COUNTER" I say shooing him away. "Also, Im not yo bae" I say pointing the knife I used to cut the potatoes at him. He hops off the counter and throws his hands up in defense.


Everyone starts coming into the house. Jada showed up and sat next to ski on the couch grabbing the blunt out his hands. "Well hello to you too bitch." I say to her rolling my eyes. "HEY BITCH!" She says yelling and getting up to give me a hug. I dodge her hug. "Na don't hug me now fake hoe" I say wiping fake tears from my eyes. I laugh and pull her into a hug.

Brielle and Casey walk in holding hands in matching sweatshirts. "Y'all niggas are embarrassing... I refuse to be seen in public with yall asses." I say pretending to be sick to my stomach. They laugh at me while giving me hugs.

I just love my friends.

I feel a familiar gaze and I turn to see Jah staring at me with his mouth set into a straight line. I stare back at him leaning on the counter and crossing my arms. He rolls his eyes scoffing and turning back to his phone. "UGH" I say slamming the tongues I was using on the counter and walking out the house.

Jahseh's POV:

"UGH" Nychole yells walking out the house. "What the fuck just happened?" Jada says looking confused as hell. Brielle and Casey just looked at everyone just as confused. I sigh getting up and roughly push the chair out of my way. "Both these niggas just mad as hell" I hear ski say before I walk out the house. I walk out and Nychole is sitting on the porch visibly shaking. She looked angry as fuck. She was smoking a blunt with her leg bouncing.

"Aye vro don't keep slamming shit in my house" I say crossing my arms standing behind her. She turns around with her eye twitching and turning darker shade of brown. "You cant be fucking talking to me." She says glaring at me. "Yo what the fuck is yo problem" I say looking at her with a straight face.

"Na bro what the fuck is YOUR problem" She says cocking her neck to the side. "You keep staring n shit with that stank ass attitude bro. Just carry yo irritating ass back in the house. You finna blow my high." She says hitting the blunt again.

I stood there and just stared at her because this is new for me. I've never seen her this irritated before. I mean I have seen her crazy ass smack a nigga wit a gun. But her mouth has never been this out of control before.

I walk up to her and wrap my hand around her throat. I gently squeeze before saying "I don't know where you got this fucking attitude from but you need to drop it." She rolls her eyes taking my hand off of her neck and putting her blunt out before going into the house.

I walk back in the house still irritated as fuck because of her attitude. Then Geneva hoe ass texted me talking bout "she sees my new bitches and they will never be her". THEN SHE HAD THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO TELL ME SHES IN ATLANTA AND WANTS TO SEE ME. I just cant escape her ass.

I stop up the stairs and start fucking shit in my room up again. I hear music start blaring from downstairs. Nychole is singing along and all I can imagine is her in the kitchen dancing looking as beautiful as ever. "FUCK" I yell kicking whatever was closest to me. I guess all the loud ass commotion made Nychole come up stairs.

"Aye lil bitch you finna make my cake that's in the oven fall" She says slamming my door open. "DON'T FUCK UP THE CAKE" ski yells from downstairs. "Fat bitch" me and nychole mumble at the same time. "Why is yo room so fucked up?" nychole says folding her arms across her chest. "Why is yo attitude so horrible?" I say mockingly. "Yea okay X. Fuck you" she says storming off.


Did I just fuck everything up???

She hasn't called me X since she learned my real name....

I slouch down onto the floor in the middle of all of my mess as the overwhelming feelings of loneliness creeps into my mind. I feel like as soon as I have to chance to say I got it all I fuck everything up again.

I want Nychole to be the reason I got it all.

Alright how we feeling bout this chapter??? WHO TF WAS THAT BITCH IN THE STORE? WHY IS GENEVA TRYNA PLAY WIT JAH. Yall think X fucked up talking to nychole like that? Was nychole's attitude unnecessary? Yall think they gon get together soon or is this quits for them? ANYWAYS BITCHES I HOPE YOU ENJOYED. DRINK WATER EAT FOOD GET SOME SLEEP. I love you my babies. MWAH <3

I Got It AllOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora