Chapter four

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Five days later
Tessa's dream

"Lejo! Lejo! I have great news!" Tessa ran towards her brother with a report card "Имам све петице!" (I got all A's!) Tessa cheered and handed her brother Alejo the envelope.

"то је невероватна ТеТе!" (That's amazing TeTe!) he kissed Tessa head "мама би била тако поносна" (mama would be so proud) Tessa smiled at her Brother who always assured her that Natalia- their mother was watching over her. TeTe was Alejo's nickname for Tessa.

Tessa and Alejo's mum, Natalia had died in US bombing of 1999.

Alejo went to make dinner before the building shook, Tessa gasped before a whistle came and a bomb hit the hallway.

Alejo and Tessa screamed before flying back, rubble covered Tessa while A big piece of rubble landed in Alejo.

A few minutes later Tessa woke up, Alejo was passed out. "Alejo?! Alejo!" She ran to her brother and pushed the rubble off of him from adrenaline.

He had a bad stomach puncture and was bleeding out.

"It's going to be ok" Alejo assured his younger sister while blood was coming out of his ears and mouth.

Tessa cried while putting pressure on her wound, she had seen doctors care for wounded shoulders and had an idea on how to do it.

Blood was covering both of their hands, Blood dripped onto Tessa's hand from her forehead while she was sobbing and praying her big brother would live.

She stayed on that position for 2 hours before laying down next to Alejo who was still alive. His legs were trapped and couldn't move.

"TeТе, leave. Go save yourself. please" Alejo grabbed her hand "nonono Lejo I'm not leaving you" she sobbed.

Everyone she's ever loved had left her.

17 hours later he died. Tessa took her arms off of him and sobbed loudly before connecting their foreheads. He was all she had left.

When she lifted her forehead Alejo was behind her "you killed me." He said, he was holding a metal bar.

"Lejo?" Tessa tiredly stood up. "You didn't do enough. I'm dead because of you." He walked towards Tessa and swung at her head.

I woke up with a yelp, I was sweating and panting. These nightmares about my brother dying were common for me but they always had a different ending.

This time he got his revenge.

I couldn't save him. It had haunted me forever.

I looked down at my hands, I could see his blood dripping off of my hands. They were covered in dark red liquid.

I gasped and panted befor rushing to my bathroom and putting half a gallon of soap on my hands and washing them with high powered water.

It was normal to see his blood on my hands but it's been getting worse lately, I keep on seeing him and I can't stand to see him dying over and over again.

I washed my hands two more times before the soap ran out, I groaned and looked at my hands. The blood was gone, I sighed and put on the sweater over my croptop.

I went out to the kitchen before noticing we were out of coffee.

I went to the main kitchen and made some coffee, I sat down on the couch and drank my coffee, I was really tired but everytime I closed my eyes I saw Alejo.

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